TSAC Certification - Tactical Strength and Conditioning Certification - NSCA
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitators (TSAC-F) certifications. Become a TSAC-F and train tactical athletes at all levels of the fire service, law enforcement and military. These tactical strength coaches help firefighters, police and military focus on tactical strength and conditioning to pass their fitness exams and improve their fitness abilities to perform their jobs better and more safely. Visit for information on...
Just saw on your profile that you have already been a DS. So I would go with the Branch Manager route if you haven't already

TSAC Certification - Tactical Strength and Conditioning Certification - NSCA
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitators (TSAC-F) certifications. Become a TSAC-F and train tactical athletes at all levels of the fire service, law enforcement and military. These tactical strength coaches help firefighters, police and military focus on tactical strength and conditioning to pass their fitness exams and improve their fitness abilities to perform their jobs better and more safely. Visit for information on...