Posted on Mar 9, 2020
Cadet LtCol (Pre-Commission)
Back Story:
2 1/2 years ago, were days of happiness. I was Squadron CMD and Raider CMD for my JROTC unit. I never had so much love for something other than myself. With so much going for me I didn't want to lose. I started hurting myself from constant hard work and mental fatigue that I started creating lies to cover up my down-hill slope to rock bottom. I was 175 LBS with 6:12 Mile time, ~90 pushups in 2 mins, ~100 situps in 2mins. I was killing it. Now I'm 217 LBS with a 12:35 Mile time ~30 Pushups/Situps in 2mins. All because I created lies just because I felt that my happiness was slipping away.

I wanna get better, I wanna enlist in the USAF or USN and fight for the country and the people that are suffering in the world. I don't know where to start I'm 19 years old with no money just a soul that strives for more. I keep trying to for the ASVAB I just have the attention span of a rock.

If anyone could give me tips to better my reality and help me with my ASVAB and PT, I'll take any. I just need something and someone to give me a kick in the a**. Please?
Posted in these groups: Unnamed ASVABHelp HelpImgres Physical Training
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Responses: 5
CPT Owner
The best advice is simply to work hard.
You already know what needs to be done, so stop making excuses and get after it.
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TSgt David Holman
Keep in mind that you clearly have the ability, you said so yourself. The first thing you have to do is set a goal, and then work on a plan to get to that goal. If you want to get better at the run, you have to run. If you want to get better at the strength measurements, you have to do strength training. The good news is you are young enough that you shouldn't have a problem with it. The biggest thing you have to do is be honest with yourself.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited >1 y ago
Cadet LtCol (Join to see) If you need counseling, get it. If you need money, get a job. Step back and look at what your goals are to see if you still want them or want new goals. Plan, set goals, and then execute. Do it now.
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