Posted on Mar 5, 2020
What are some good ways to get my pullups better for the Marine Corps IST?
I am 6'2 and 194lbs/88.0kg. Pull-ups are not my strong point. I can do about 3 before my arms give out. Push-ups, sit-ups, and the 1.5mile run are actually really good. I know I can pass my IST if needed, but I want to be excellent at it and achieve the perfect score. Any tips?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 9
Look for a pull up machine at local gym. They have variable resistance and help. Otherwise, push ups, pull ups and repeat many times. Have you tried changing grip? Forward vs backward palms, or vice versa. Pyramid pullups help too, 1, then 2, then 3 and back down. Assisted help too. Have someone behind you hold your feet as you bend knees. They shouldn't push or aid you, but merely give you something to push against as you pull up.
SGT Dave Tracy
The kind that use your bodyweight (with varying adjustments) to assist with the pull up I assume you mean. Yes, those machines are nice; they definitely help train-up someone who is working on their pullups. I personally tend to prefer traditional lat pulldown machines. One big reason is I can switch the lat pulldown bar for a different grip type and hit different areas of the back. But that's me.
CWO3 (Join to see)
SGT Dave Tracy - Bingo. Efficiency is whatever scores. Once I got to 20 I tried to never pass a pullup bar after any PT session without pulling max effort. I went through with a SSgt at Recruiter's School that was a Force Recon stud. He did his for PFTs dead hang and bar behind his neck. He went to FL for his tour and was a superstar in 6th District. Getting kids to go diving was like a magnet. He was later CO 1stSgt at a Company I held a Plt in. Awesome guy. Made SgtMaj and ended up in HQMC. May still be up there as GS, but doubt it. Long time ago.
CH (CPT) (Join to see)
Every body type is different. As you consider advise from individuals be mindful to learn what your body is capable of. I would advise you follow CWO3 McIntosh advise and I will add that you do a lot of dead hang as well. Do three sets of wide grip, 3 sets of close grip chain ups and pull ups that is what I did while in boot camp and still max my pullups at the tender age of 40 and counting. finally never pass a pullup bar without doing a set. Believe me I still do and it feels good.
Check your form. Try to feel it in the back, sounds like you are only engaging arms.
Get a pull up bar that fits your door frame. Start the morning with as many as you can do, and every time you pass through you pay the pull up gods with more.
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