Posted on Mar 4, 2020
What is one thing that your Drill Sergeants or Drill Instructors taught you that you will never forget?
It could be a saying/quote, anything!!
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 77
Not a DS but one of my PSGs when I was a new 2LT: Always have a spare patrol cap to leave on your desk. That way you can go for a walk or to the PX and everyone will think you're just in the shitter.
1SG (Join to see)
Something similar : if you carry a clipboard and paper around, pretending to take notes, you can enter almost any office or room
LTC (Join to see)
1SG (Join to see) - if you act like you should be there, 9 times out of 10 no one is going to be brave enough to question it.
SSG Eric Blue
MCPO (Join to see) - Agreed, Master Chief. I mean, isn't that a requirement to graduate kindergarten?
MCPO (Join to see)
SSG Eric Blue - Oh HELLS to the no!!!
A couple good friends have recently left Recruit training - and they've got LOTS of kids that report in that have ZERO idea how to tie their shoes/boots. They've worn slip-ons or Velcro their entire lives. In my day, only a couple had never tied a tie before... now they can't tie their boots. When my step-dad went in during the Korean War, they honestly used, "Hay-foot, Straw-foot" for "left/right" because of the farm boys that didn't know the difference.
A couple good friends have recently left Recruit training - and they've got LOTS of kids that report in that have ZERO idea how to tie their shoes/boots. They've worn slip-ons or Velcro their entire lives. In my day, only a couple had never tied a tie before... now they can't tie their boots. When my step-dad went in during the Korean War, they honestly used, "Hay-foot, Straw-foot" for "left/right" because of the farm boys that didn't know the difference.
Capt Raymond Parks
That's hay foot and straw foot. In 1941, my father-in-law watched as guys just off the farm were taught which foot to lead with by the DS shoving some hay in their right boot and straw in their left boot. If you don't know the difference between straw and hay, this is just whooshing by over your head, but there is one.
"Fifteen minutes early is on time, on time is late." - Chief Master Sergeant Furey
SSgt (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - He told my flight that at Basic graduation, and it's followed me around ever since.
CPO Clifford Henry
Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable! Drill Sergeant Kidd, 1993 lol
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