Posted on Mar 3, 2020
SGT Transportation Management Coordinator
My friend's NG company is insisting and has forced them to drive a tactical vehicle on a public freeway in the rain with a trailer. They had a TC, but they weren't licensed for the trailer. The driver (my friend) just had a regular mil learners permit. Besides the obvious safety concerns that would have any Commander worried for their position, is there a regulation that strictly states that a SM should not drive off post/off training area with only a permit? The unit keeps insisting they drive on the freeway for hours to gain experience...

The closest I could find is AR 600-55 6-3 section C only pertains to a RESTRICTED permit (what is that? Between standard permit and restricted): "The vehicle or equipment is operated within a controlled driving route (no other vehicle traffic) or training area under the supervision of a licensed driver or operator"

Their motorpool sgt is asking where in the regulations it says this is prohibited. Many people keep saying this is a no-go, but can't find the documentation.
Posted in these groups: Ar Army RegulationsDriver Driver
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Responses: 7
SGM G3 Sergeant Major
Edited >1 y ago
AR 600-55
2–3.Army drivers
The following minimum licensing requirements apply to military operators of AMVs:
a. Driving off the installation. Within the United States or U.S. possessions, operators must have—
(1) A valid OF 346 or DA Form 5984–E.
(2) A valid civilian driver’s license issued by a State (not necessarily the State in which the activity is located), the District of Columbia, or a U.S. possession (Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or Guam).

Limited permit is restricted to a military installation.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
>1 y
That is new since I was in last century, SGM. We just had to have a SF-46 endorsed for vehicle being operated. Does the State DL have to be for the category Army vehicle being operated?
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SFC Senior Human Resources Nco (S1)
Only Limited Permits are restricted to post by my understanding.

d. Limited permits.
(1) Limited vehicle driver or equipment operator permits will be issued only to otherwise qualified drivers or
operators who, because of physical deficiency, occupational status, training limitations, or other reasons, should be
limited to the operation of specific vehicles or equipment, under specific conditions, or within a specific area. Limited
permits will be issued only when necessary. They make limited use of otherwise qualified individuals whose status or
condition precludes issuance of a standard permit. Amputees, combat wounded personnel, prisoners, and prisoners of
war are in this category.
(2) Limited permits will not be issued to cover minor restrictions. For example, they will not be issued to drivers or
operators who have been qualified to drive only one or a few vehicles. They will not be issued to civilian personnel for
the sole reason that they are restricted to administrative or nontactical driving alone, nor will they be issued to
physically handicapped persons when the nature of the handicap is such that it can be corrected or compensated for by
usual means.
(3) The expiration date for Army Limited permits will not exceed one year from the date of issue.
(4) The OF 346 will be stamped or legibly marked on the face of the form with the words “ARMY LIMITED,” and,
in each case, the specific limitation will be stated. Sample remarks for limited permits include—
(a) “Valid only under guard.”
(b) “Limited to post or installation.”
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
That seems like it would violate the approved risk assessment, assuming a risk assessment was done, and assuming it was submitted for approval. That doesn't sound like something I'd want to be responsible for.
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