Posted on Mar 1, 2020
LTC Battalion Commander
I need to enroll in ILE to have it completed in the shortest time possible. I’m thinking of CGSOC Common Core Distance Learning. I have time now. How quickly can I knock it out? What are others experience with it? Going through the phases, it will take me 18 months to get school spots and attend. Is it legitimate to think I can be done in 6-8 months if I really work on it.
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Responses: 6
LTC Hardware Test Engineer
The distance learning course is all dependent on the graders. Sure, you can knock out the assignments but then you have to sit around and wait for them to be graded. I've heard of guys waiting 2-3 weeks to get an assignment graded. Had guys get an assignment returned as failing, resubmit the exact same assignment and another grader passes it. I knocked out ILE common in a year. phase I 2 week residence, phase II 8 months in lieu of drill and phase 3 2 week residence. From all the horror stories I've heard from guys who did the distance learning, I'd avoid it like the plague if possible.
LTC Hardware Test Engineer
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
MAJ Cathy Baumbusch - IMHO, doing ILE via DL deprives an officer of one of the biggest benefits of the course which is face to face interaction with other officers from various branches. I got more benefit from connecting and interacting with my classmates than I did from the actual course material. Though, in all honesty, I have been assigned to a mission command training unit for the last 8 years so I had already been doing, on a regular basis, most of what they teach you at ILE.
MAJ Health Services Plans, Ops, Intelligence, Security,Training
MAJ (Join to see)
5 y
That’s the route I pursued. The full-on DL offering has a terrible pass rate.
LTC Hardware Test Engineer
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
MAJ (Join to see) - from what I've heard, "passing" is highly subjective. I known guys who submitted a paper and had it fail, turn around and resubmit the same paper and a different grader passes it. ridiculous
MAJ Health Services Plans, Ops, Intelligence, Security,Training
MAJ (Join to see)
5 y
Roger. I was referring to the course pass rate. While in phase 1 of CC we were told the statistic was from 18-20% passing with DL. I check ATRRS from time to time and that seems to hold true. LTC (Join to see)
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LTC Daren Walker
Yes, it's possible to complete all three DL phases in 6-8 months if you put the time into it. The course work is not terribly challenging, especially if you write well. I completed phases one and two DL and resident phase 3 back in 2013-14, but I have spoken with a few who managed to do them all in half a year or so. However, I strongly suggest the two-week resident for one and/or three if you can get a seat just for the efficiency and opportunity to learn from and network with peers.
LTC Battalion Commander
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
Great advice. I do appreciate it.
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LTC Program Manager
You can get it done quick if you knock it out. If you do the work you can get it done.

There are 3 phases and you can split them up between distance learning and the reserve course assuming you're not going to Leavenworth or a satellite school.

For the Reserve Course phase 1 is 2 weeks in the summer AT, phase 2 is 9 months of drills and phase 3 is another 2 week AT in the summer.

I did DL but i worked with an AGR guy at the time who did the Reserve course and we discussed the differences. Let me know if you have questions.
LTC Battalion Commander
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
How long did DL take you and how much time per week did you devote?
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
I was "Enrolled" for the entire 18 months they used to give you but I probably did it all in about 6 months of work. The first 2 months and then 4 months toward the end. CGSC is in no hurry to return your papers, that seemed to slow down my progress when I found time to focus on ILE. I would get on a roll and I'd be ready for the next phase or class but I had to wait on my paper to be graded to get into the next section.
If you set aside half a day a week to work on ILE you should have no issue getting it done. Once I got going I actually enjoyed it unlike most DL I have done.
MAJ Cathy Baumbusch
MAJ Cathy Baumbusch
5 y
I did all of it through DL. There was no 2-week course requirement when I did it. This was 2011-12 time frame.
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
MAJ Cathy Baumbusch i did all online as well but there is also a reserve course offered.
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