Posted on Feb 29, 2020
Cpl Julio Rosa
With post 9/11 wars seemingly coming to end, where and when do you believe the next large scale combat theater be?
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Responses: 12
SGT Philip Roncari
I cannot predict any specific global area,but know for certain it will be someplace very dry,or very wet,or very hot,or very cold,or mountainous,or urban or any combination of these because we always find ourselves in some god forsaken hellhole fighting for people who hate us and then returning home to people who at best treat us with distain and distrust,sorry just the musings of an old Vietnam Vet,sick of all these endless wars.
Cpl Shane Dickinson
Cpl Shane Dickinson
5 y
SGT your generation was treated so horribly by the hippie generation basically those who went to college to draft dodge now those pathetic individuals are professors in these liberal left wing colleges. My deployment was Iraq in 04 - 05 . We had it easy compared to what you all went through much respect Sir .
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Philip Roncari
5 y
Cpl Shane Dickinson-Cannot agree you had it easy.different times,different AOs but still the same mission at great cost to our widely spaced deployments (mine was called a tour ) seems like the VA doesn’t treat the current generation any better than mine by the way,as far as draft dodgers/college professors etc ,we had a saying “Don’t mean Nothin” still works for us old guys to this day,be well Brother
SGT Brenden Lee
SGT Brenden Lee
5 y
Cpl Shane Dickinson - Must you include politics in your comments? I can assure you I both served and have a college degree and am a Liberal and am a Disabled Veteran and I know a number of Vietnam Vets as well as Iraq and Iran Vets who don't share your hatred for those who went to college instead of to war during Vietnam. Not everyone was born to serve.
Cpl Shane Dickinson
Cpl Shane Dickinson
5 y
SGT Brenden Lee you have your opinion and I have mine that’s whats great about being Americans. I was a Cop when 911 happened because it was the right thing to do . I joined the Marines and served in Iraq on deployment with a wife and two children at home I was 27 then you have your liberal views and your entitled to your opinion just like I’m entitled to mine . My Daughter followed in my footsteps and she’s an active duty Marine now she’s an MP my Daddy served in the Army during Vietnam. I see things how I see them we owe our Country for the freedoms we have in our Constitution. All of us . I don’t agree with liberal views such as yours but that’s my opinion. I respect your opinion because we are Americans but I disagree with your views . Have a nice night Sir and thanks for your service you’ve earned that just like everyone else should serve in some capacity in the military I wish they would bring back the draft it would help a lot of people who have no discipline have discipline. I’m still a Cop and retire in like three years I see the useless side of society a lot if they had military discipline for a couple years they would be better people in society.
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CW4 Guy Butler
If it runs par with history, the last place we expect.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
What kind of war are we focusing on today? It will be the exact opposite. The late Eighties we were training for "Conflicts Short of War", so peace keeping and supporting national governments against insurgencies. Of course, the next conflict was fought with conventional forces, Desert Storm.
Cpl Julio Rosa
Cpl Julio Rosa
5 y
Space wars lol
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CPT Jack Durish
I'm going out on a limb here and predict somewhere in Africa. Do I have to get more specific? It seems that Africa is becoming the focus of several destabilizing influences (as if it needed any more). China and Islamic Terrorists are moving onto the continent.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
5 y
Could be.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
Africa has always been the focus of destabilizing influences, how can you tell if it's different today? The Clash between the Islamic North and Christian South. The internal fights/civil wars over control of diamonds or gold, or whatever. Cuban/Soviet interference before that, colonial interference before that.
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