Posted on Feb 28, 2020
What's the likelihood of me switching from the national guard to active duty?
To sum it up for me is I'm a split op and I'm in my senior year of high school and will be graduating in a couple of months. The problem is I've been looking for a job all year and haven't found a single place in my state that'll hire me and I'm kinda worried that I won't be able to pay rent/bills after I come back from AIT since my parent's make me pay rent now and I can barely pay my phone bill with the money that I get from Drill each month and I want to switch to active duty but I've been told I have to stay at my unit about 6 months then fill out a DD Form 368 and that that could take about 4-6 months and I don't think I have the time for that. What should I do?
Edited 5 y ago
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 2
Generally speaking in your situation a state is not going to release you. A significant investment has already been made into your accession and training, the state will want to get some degree of return on investment. NGR 600-200 (para 4-25) prohibits the release of a Soldier who has not served at least 9 months following IET, this is waiverable at the TAG level. Most states will not even consider a waiver until 6 months following the completion of IET.
I would recommend talking to your recruiter to see if there are any ADOS opportunities as well as checking for full-time positions within your state's National Guard
4-25. Enlistment in another U.S. Armed Force
ARNG/ARNGUS Soldiers may enlist in the regular or reserve component of any other U.S. Armed Force except the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) of any service, including the U.S. Army. The approval authority will be the first General Officer in the chain of command. The only authorized exception to this is Soldiers that enlisted under the “Active First” enlistment option. However, these Soldiers must first obtain a Request for Discharge or Clearance from Reserve Components (DD Form 368):
a. Provided they have served 9 months after completion of IET and have been awarded a MOS. The State AG may waive the 9 months requirement.
b. Provided they have not been alerted for mobilization, either Federal or State (State AG may waive the order to State Active Duty to allow enlistment).
c. If they are not currently serving on Active Duty for Training (ADT), Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS), Active Guard Reserve (AGR), Full-Time National Guard Duty (FTNGD), or Annual Training (AT).
d. Upon notification that the Soldier has been enlisted or appointed in another component, the unit commander will forward requests to the State AG to discharge the Soldier. Upon receipt of the discharge orders, the unit commander will forward the OMPF and related documents to the State MPMO/G1 who will forward the Soldier’s records per AR 600-8-104. While DD Form 368 is being processed, the Soldier will attend all unit training until they enlist in the new service component.
e. ARNGUS Soldiers on Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) must meet all the prerequisites of AR 601-210.
f. Soldiers provided a conditional release to enlist in a USAR Troop Program Unit (TPU) will be separated concurrently. Use format 500, AR 600-8-105, and enter the USAR unit into which the Soldier is enlisting in the additional instructions of the orders.
I would recommend talking to your recruiter to see if there are any ADOS opportunities as well as checking for full-time positions within your state's National Guard
4-25. Enlistment in another U.S. Armed Force
ARNG/ARNGUS Soldiers may enlist in the regular or reserve component of any other U.S. Armed Force except the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) of any service, including the U.S. Army. The approval authority will be the first General Officer in the chain of command. The only authorized exception to this is Soldiers that enlisted under the “Active First” enlistment option. However, these Soldiers must first obtain a Request for Discharge or Clearance from Reserve Components (DD Form 368):
a. Provided they have served 9 months after completion of IET and have been awarded a MOS. The State AG may waive the 9 months requirement.
b. Provided they have not been alerted for mobilization, either Federal or State (State AG may waive the order to State Active Duty to allow enlistment).
c. If they are not currently serving on Active Duty for Training (ADT), Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS), Active Guard Reserve (AGR), Full-Time National Guard Duty (FTNGD), or Annual Training (AT).
d. Upon notification that the Soldier has been enlisted or appointed in another component, the unit commander will forward requests to the State AG to discharge the Soldier. Upon receipt of the discharge orders, the unit commander will forward the OMPF and related documents to the State MPMO/G1 who will forward the Soldier’s records per AR 600-8-104. While DD Form 368 is being processed, the Soldier will attend all unit training until they enlist in the new service component.
e. ARNGUS Soldiers on Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) must meet all the prerequisites of AR 601-210.
f. Soldiers provided a conditional release to enlist in a USAR Troop Program Unit (TPU) will be separated concurrently. Use format 500, AR 600-8-105, and enter the USAR unit into which the Soldier is enlisting in the additional instructions of the orders.
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