Posted on Mar 27, 2015
SGT Military Police
I had a question regarding military schools and whether there is anything regarding time left on station being able to affect a Soldier's slot. I was supposed to be slotted for traffic school, and learned today that because my DEROS is 6 months after it finishes, that I was no longer eligible to go. This frustrates me, because the one area I'm lacking is professional military education and it's outside of my control in many ways. Basically, is this a common occurrence or does time left on station not typically affect these decisions (not to include situations where it's a month and then PCS or some other scenario where it's clear that the unit would be better off sending someone else to benefit them.)

I've seen situations like this arise in other duty stations in regards to pushing for inclusion at promotion boards or slots for WLC, but all of those tended to be within a month or so of PCS and at least made more sense using that argument. I'm not trying to complain, I just don't really understand what factors a unit uses to determine these cutoffs which at times appear arbitrary. Thanks!
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Responses: 2
SSG Parachute Rigger
I am tired of hearing this one as well. Senior Leaders utilize an excuse like this to hold people back! Most likely for the reason that they did not have an opportunity and are using their position in an unprofessional manner.

I have some young motivated E-5's that worked hard to prepare themselves for Jump Master school and now are being told they cannot go. Very Frustrating! How am I as a Leader supposed to keep them motivated when they were lied to by Seniors? They were instructed that if they get a "White Slip" which is a precursor for Jump master school that they would get to go.

Basically this is a poor excuse for a Senior Leader to Lie to Soldiers and young NCO's yet when the motivation and morale rops they cannot figure out why.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
There are always exceptions to the policy, and there is no harm in asking for an exception to policy. When I have an exception to policy and there is a need for the school I tend to recommend in favor of the NCO - tells me he is very motivated and wants the course AND will make use of it to benefit the unit.

From a strict management perspective, it does makes sense to have a year left in the unit for the investment, especially if a course involves flying back to the states from Germany (not sure if you can get your course in Europe).

Check out the CATC school requirements at the link below.
SGT Military Police
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10 y
CSM Michael J. Uhlig, Thanks for the info CSM. The course is back stateside at Lackland AFB in San Antonio. Like I said above, I'm not upset with the unit, because I can understand where they're coming from. Mostly it's just one of the few schools I've really wanted to attend alongside MPI, and the slot was guaranteed for me as my PSG said. I'll look into the Exception to Policy, although with the current OPTEMPO in our unit, I don't know if that will be the reason it might get hindered. Either way, thanks for the good information CSM. I'll check out the website and see what I can find there.
SGT Military Police
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10 y
I took your advice CSM, but they informed me today that even if I did an FSTE the school slot had already been given away. Anyway, thanks for the tips. I'm sure it'll come in handy for myself or my Soldiers again one day.
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