Posted on Feb 10, 2020

Should I enlist as an 11X or 68W? Should I join an airborne unit prior to RASP for more job security if I fail out of RASP?
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I’m considering enlisting into the army as an 11x option 40. I’m also considering obtaining and airborne contract and enlisting as a 68w. Should I enlist as an 11x or 68w? Should I join an airborne unit prior to Rasp for more job security is I fail out of Rasp?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 9
Do you like the sight of blood? It takes a very specific kind of person to be a doc. You're either the guy who likes stitching or the guy who is getting stitched. The W1 Special Operations Combat Medic Course is extremely demand if you're not someone you would describe as extremely smart or a very gifted studious student, you will fail the SOCM course, which is required to be a Ranger Medic.
I would say that you need to pick the job you feel you will be most passionate about and find the most fulfilling. Either one will give you a great deal of career pathways. If you want to learn more about either MOS and some career options you can always reach out to any number of RP threads or members to get their takes on it.
Either MOS can easily get an airborne school slot and either MOS can easily go to rasp. If you fail out of rasp then you will most likely get an airborne assignment. Most people I met that didn’t make it through rasp ended up going to the 82nd anyway. Pick the job that’s right for you. Search thread topics of 68W and 11X. Airborne and rasp is the second priority. You’ll never make it that far until you pick a job you actually wanna do.
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