Posted on Mar 26, 2015
CPT Bruce Rodgers
Please allow me rant about AR 600-9. I served from 1989 to 2005 and was always under threat of being flagged due to weight. I always passed the tape, but it was a pain in the rear. Throughout my Army career I maintained high AFPT scores never scoring under 280. I even was a triathlete until becoming 100% disabled in 2005. Now my son is active duty Army and faces the same challenge and I would venture to say he is in better condition than I was at his age. Due to genetics we have a large upper body and chest, which adds to body weight. My waist was never over 31 so the tables are flawed. Don’t even start me on the rant as to how inaccurate the Army tape test is.

Here is my question, if the Army can spend god knows what on studies determining what the PT uniform looks like, why can we not look at the accuracy of the current weight tables in relation to AFPT and a real body fat measure?
Posted in these groups: Bilde AR 600-9
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Responses: 7
LTC Paul Labrador
Remember that the tables (and other BMI indexes) are based off of an idealized "normal" person...AKA a mesomorphic white male. So folks like you and me who fall out of that body type get screwed (I am a short stocky Asian who's built more like a mini-lineman). But the tape test is cheap and quick to do. Could we do more exacting tests? Yes, they exist. But they are also more expensive to do.
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PO1 Dustin Adams
With an ongoing RIF, this is just another tool to par down the size of the force. Plus with budget constraints I don't see any of the services wanting to take the time or spend the money to properly train personnel in other more accurate methods of measuring body fat (calipers.)

But I can sympathize with your struggle, nothing like being fit but "fat".
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SFC Bde Mobility Nco
Things like this needs to be introduced at the recruiter level and through BCT and AIT. Soldiers don't get taped in AIT and it's kind of unfair throwing them to the wolves. First pt test in the unit and they are getting flagged for failing tape. They need to start informing Soldiers as early as possible.
But as of now the standard is the standard. Soldiers need to learn and know their bodies as far as nutrition and weight gaining and losing.
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