Posted on Feb 5, 2020
PV2 Automated Logistical Specialist
Most of the instructors in cyber department are civilians. My question is why do they work as civil contractors when they can be making easy 6 figures outside. Do they get paid more than enlisted or is it the same?
Posted in these groups: Military leadership skills civilian employment Civilians38326e5d Military Pay
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Responses: 11
MSG Logistics Analyst
Not everything is about money. DO military members do their jobs for the money? Our SM deserve much higher pay. I've always had a saying, "all money aint good money". I chose to work as a contractor for the Army after i retired, knowing full well I could make much more money in Logistics in the private sector. To me its about continuing to serve the Army i love, not about the compensation i receive. Don't get me wrong, I like money just as much as the next guy, but our choices are not always about just $$$$ alone.
MSG Logistics Analyst
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
PV2 (Join to see) - Why would it be any different for us Contractors?
MSG Logistics Analyst
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Retirement Pay+ 100% Disability Pay+contractor pay= very happy life with little stress.
MSG Logistics Analyst
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - haha, thank you sir, just finished building our first house, 1st mortgage payment due on 01 Mar. I waited to retire before buying my first ever house. and its a nice one
MSG Logistics Analyst
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
Oh yeah ive already scheduled for that im going to pay $500 more every month and all of my tax returns for the next 15 yrs, then i should be done, been crunching #'s everyday.
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CW3 Ian Mains
Since you mentioned Cyber, I would have to make the logic leap that most, if not all, are prior military, and many are probably retired. They are probably all (or most) making at least six figures as I type this. Many contract positions have certain clearance, certification, or specific experience requirements, which essentially cuts out a large percentage of competition. All that being said, if you have all these requirements, and only a certain number of potential employees to choose from, you will have to pay a bit more, especially if there are more positions than there are potential qualified employees. But to answer your question, I would surmise that every contractor employee (in the "Cyber" realm at least) you see on a daily basis makes more than enlisted.
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SPC 35 F
They probably are making six figures or close to it. Teaching at school house’s is usually an easy job to get(especially if you have connections there) and do.
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