Posted on Jan 31, 2020
What are the fabric dimensions for sewing on Airborne wings?
Responses: 2
Don't try to eyeball it. If you want to do it for your friend, but want to do it right, speak with the Clothing and Sales Alterations section for specifics
Hi, just stumbled upon this old thread and wanted to say that it's always a good idea to check the official guidelines or ask someone who has experience with it. Just eyeballing it might not give you the results you're looking for. By the way, if you're interested in decoupage, I found a cool tutorial that might be helpful . Give it a shot if you're into crafts.
How To Use Mod Podge On Fabric Tutorial
You can use Mod Podge on fabric, paper, wood, plastic, almost anything! You can mod podge furniture and that's just what I did.
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