Posted on Jan 29, 2020
SFC Cavalry Scout
Looking for any details on how reclassing to public affairs specialist is as an MOS-T Soldier and what to expect.
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Responses: 6
SGT Ncoic
I just graduated DINFOS as a 46S a month ago today. It was awesome. If you aren't married you'll stay in the barracks, even as an E6. There were a few E6s there. You'll do PT from 0500 to 0600 Monday through Friday then be at school from 0745 to 1600. Weekends are yours. The det usually has some sort of class on Thursday or Friday evenings (right now it's still over zoom because of covid) that the MOS-T and MOS-I are part of, but otherwise you generally get plenty of time for homework. All the branches are going to this school so you'll be in class with everyone. It was a lot of fun because I learned a lot about the other branches that I had no idea about.

In class you'll get a camera (worth about $10,000, don't break it lol) and they'll teach you everything about it. You'll learn photography, videography, social media, writing articles, crime scene photography, etc... I had a blast but, for me, there were difficult parts. You can graduate, it's definitely doable, just pay attention and do your homework. Any other questions just let me know!
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Lt Col Squadron Commander
I was the deputy commandant of the Defense Information School 2016-2018. All service members now attend a 108-day Military Communications Foundation course that teaches the 6-core capabilities of being a Public Affairs specialist (for Army it will grant you the 46S MOS). Their are 4 follow on courses for specialty jobs (AFN broadcasting, Combat Camera, Graphics, Storytelling). The first iteration of the course graduates this March.
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SSG Broadcast Nco
Talk to your retention guy. Tell him “I want 46S” you should be able to make something happen. I reclassed as a Specialist 13 years ago and going to DINFOS was one of my favorite experiences in the army. You’ll either be in barracks or at the base hotel while you attend class (0755-1600), and have the weekends for homework and catching up on Netflix, depending on how busy the detachment is making you. They’ve been known to be pretty hands-off with MOS-T’s but there’s the occasional duty shift or training they need help with. As far as your DINFOS instructors are concerned you’re another student with the ability to handle stress and pressure a little better than the MOS-I’s.
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