Posted on Mar 24, 2015
Global Warming/Climate Change: What are the military implications?
Responses: 18
Yup - with only 97% of climate scientists being in consensus .. I would say the science is still unsettled.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Your NASA site makes a common error when it quotes 97% of climate scientists. It uses J Cook's 2013 study as it's reference for this misrepresented fact. The Cook study claims 97% of papers written, among abstracts that expressed a position on AGW. It uses Abstracts as a proxy for the full paper's conclusions (he had to because he only had enough money to pay his helpers to read the Abstracts, not the whole paper), and number of papers as a proxy for numbers of scientists. One helper claimed to have read and assessed 675 Abstracts within 72 hours. If he never slept for 3 days, that would be one Abstract every 6 1/2 minutes. Great science. So a scientist well-funded by NOAA or the IPCC who wrote 7 papers gets counted as 7 scientists, while a non-funded non-partyline scientist writes none, and is counted as not a scientist. See:
richard tol energy environment climate economics
I don't know about "Unsettled" When 93% of Sceintist Agree and 100% working at Navy Research Labs. Hmmm let me think. I'm a Retired Technician and as Masters at Arms to COMSPAWARSYSCOM, Navy Research Labs were under our Cognisance so Yeah I agree that is a very serious problem and being Navy Bases are on the Water. It is a real serious problem for us.
SSgt Alex Robinson
I just see more and more out there about data being manipulated to fit the narrative
SSgt Alex Robinson On the surface absolutely "NOT". This is a world and environmental issue; the only time the military would get involved is if there was massive unrest by the environmentalist against the United States' stratgeic interests or locations! I don't see it happening.
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