Posted on Jan 24, 2020
Can I still receive my G.I. bill with a general under honorable conditions discharge?
I'll keep it short. I might be facing a general under honorable conditions discharge, and I did my whole first contract of 36 months and I'm at 50 months TIS. Even tho I did my whole first contract will I still be eligible for my benefits?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 8
The VA usually considers the completion of your first term of service as qualifying for education benefits. I worked for the VA in Education Programs a few years and there were some soldiers who were paroled from Ft. Leavenworth with bad discharges but were still able to use their benefits. Best of luck.
SGT Robert Pryor
MSG (Join to see) - Just to be clear, there are two characters of service, honorable (Honorable Discharge, General Under Honorable Conditions) and less than honorable (Undesirable Discharge, Bad Conduct Discharge and Dishonorable Discharge). Don't confuse character of service with the wording of the discharge.
MSG (Join to see)
SGT Robert Pryor - I am completely aware, believe me, and im telling you that a General, even being honorable, denied GI Bill benefits. Everything else, he qualifies for. Just not GI Bill.
SGT Robert Pryor
MSG (Join to see) - Please note that the original question is if the benefit "Can" be granted, and according to the VA's own web site, the answer is yes. As for your son, I hope he is appealing the decision. The VA frequently gives up without sending the packet to the Board of Veterans Appeals when the veteran appeals something where the VA has a week position. In this case, I know for a fact that they are granting GI Bill benefits to a veteran I am helping who has an Undesirable Discharge, so denying benefits to ANY veteran with a General Discharge is extremely weak. Also, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Perhaps your son could establish eligibility through Chapter 31, a long shot and a drawn out process to be sure, but worth a shot. As a former Veterans Service Representative by profession myself, I really hate to see blanket statements that can mislead others into thinking they may not be eligible for benefits when that may not be the case. I don't want any veteran to give up without trying. I'm sorry of I come off too harsh at times, but helping veterans get all they can from the VA legally is in my blood.
MSG (Join to see)
SGT Robert Pryor - I hear you, but my son is using my benefit as a 100% disabled vet myself, So i was able to take care of him. Believe me i want nothing but all veterans to receive any and everything they may be entitled too. We were able to find a way around our issue. But as typically is the case, each and every person has their own unique story. There can be no blanket statement that covers everyone. And believe me i have thick skin and i did not take you as coming off as harsh. I can tell your passionate about veterans as am I.
Yes, and majority of the time based on the severity of the discharge the VA can change the discharge to honorable discharge
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