Posted on Jan 9, 2020
What are my chances of reclassing to 25b if i have perfect red/green color vision but failed the color bubble test? And is it waiverable?
Back in MEPS I passed my red/green color test but failed the portion with all the colored dots. However they marked me down as red green color blind and that is why i did not get to choose 25b coming in to the army. I am in my window and am going to take a new color vision test to try and pass, but will i need to pass BOTH the red/green and the colored dot parts to qualify for 25b or is it primarily the red/green that matters. I've heard multiple things and would appreciate the help.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 6
A 25B needs to be able to differentiate these colors, get them in the correct order, and crimp an RJ-45 connector onto that.
If you can't tell these colors apart, you will have a tough time in that job.
If you can't tell these colors apart, you will have a tough time in that job.
The source for the answer is the MOS Smart book, DA Pam 611-21 located on Milsuite. It will tell you which color test you need to be capable of passing. This is the source for all MOS requirements. There's a link on Army Reenlistment
I failed the “bubble test” (Psuedo Isocromatic Plates Test) you should have been given a Farnsworth Lantern Test (FALANT) and a Red/Green Vivids Test. You only have to pass 1 out of 3 to be considered non R/G colorblind.
I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get Airborne because if it but I turned out fine cause I passed the other 2. I would look back into it because R/G slight color deficiency is actually very very common in men.
I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get Airborne because if it but I turned out fine cause I passed the other 2. I would look back into it because R/G slight color deficiency is actually very very common in men.
SGT (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see)
g. All applicants who fail the PiP test, must be given the FALANT using the OPTEC 900 (except all Air Force components)
Keyword MUST, they tried to pull that BS with me, sadly not all the people who work at MEPS know what’s going on.
g. All applicants who fail the PiP test, must be given the FALANT using the OPTEC 900 (except all Air Force components)
Keyword MUST, they tried to pull that BS with me, sadly not all the people who work at MEPS know what’s going on.
SGT (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see)
Page 35 section 7-3 covers Color vision testing at MEPS if you want to read into it yourself. If you end up taking the FALANT test I don’t think you can have any errors so please pay attention and read back the right colors. Even if you saw them right, but you said the wrong thing by mistake could end up failing you.
Page 35 section 7-3 covers Color vision testing at MEPS if you want to read into it yourself. If you end up taking the FALANT test I don’t think you can have any errors so please pay attention and read back the right colors. Even if you saw them right, but you said the wrong thing by mistake could end up failing you.
SPC (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) Unfortunately this recent test was here at Camp Casey SK, I definitely got screwed over.
SGT (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) Don’t let them screw you over, I had a counselor try to tell me I was colorblind because he saw “Fail” under the PIP test. I argued with him for an hour as he tried to tell me I was colorblind, which I’m not. IF YOU WANT TO BE A 25B (and are otherwise qualified) DO NOT LET THEM SCREW YOU OVER! FIGHT FOR YOURSELF CAUSE THEY WONT BUDGE.
If you end up taking the FALANT and passing it you should be eligible for 25B, I was approved to reclass 13F even with a PIP test failure and both 13F and 25B require normal color vision not just red green color discrimination.
If you end up taking the FALANT and passing it you should be eligible for 25B, I was approved to reclass 13F even with a PIP test failure and both 13F and 25B require normal color vision not just red green color discrimination.
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