Posted on Mar 19, 2015
2LT Platoon Leader
My Company's leadership is working on developing a Company TACSOP, I am tasked with handling the reports. I am looking for some input on which reports I should include? So far I have included SALUTE, ACE, 9 Line UXO, 9 Line MEDEVAC. I was considering ASCOPE and SWEAT-MS as well, any help is appreciated.
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Responses: 20
CPT Company Commander
This is something that is a bit contentious. One thing I would note that company TACSOP should be nested in the Battalion TACSOP. I know that you are in ROTC but I would be cautious applying what you learn here and how you develop your own. The Company SOP should pertain to your mission set. What I would so is ask what reports does your command need. The basics are great but then again SOP shouldn't mirror doctrine. That is why it is there. It should list what Reports are there and what and when is needed. In ours I don't go into a lot of the content. For example, in my platoon I don't touch the battle drills. There is a FM for that. I don't see the point to have a SOP on that when there is doctrine already established. If you were altering it I would add the changes and how it would look like. But we all know what Battle Drill 1A is. If you don't you shouldn't be learning it from an TACSOP. You could learn how you do it if you add to the set protocol. But I wouldn't just copy and paste that. It is a waste of time and your TACSOP will be 100 page doctrine and 10 pages of what should really be in the TACSOP.
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SSG Robert Burns
You are asking in the right place. You are about to get more knowledge than you can handle!
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
Says the guy who affords no knowledge on this subject...

Look over there! PT belts!
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CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Edited >1 y ago
Your company TACSOP should "mirror" or "nest" with the battalion TACSOP. Just like you pull your company information from the Battalion OPORD, you should pull your company TACSOP from the battalion TACSOP.

Would be kind of counterproductive if your company was the only one that was rolling around with an odd-ball load plan.
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