Posted on Mar 19, 2015
Soldiers OK'd to wear ACUs on commercial flights
Responses: 35
Honestly, I don't get why this was reinstated! Coming in/out of theater, I get, but what is the mission-related reason for me to fly CONUS around in uniform just because I am on official travel orders? This will continue perception of entitlement from today's Soldiers! The only thing that will happen is Soldiers will start getting those airport/flight "perks" again---seat upgrades, early boarding, etc all because civilians think they owe us something! They don't! And if you think they do, you are in the wrong business. Even with all the cuts, we still get paid well! We should serve in humble obedience and move in silence! For security's and humility's sake!
SFC (Join to see)
CSM (Join to see) I totally agree. I had an incident at Eglin. An Airman demanded me to give him a ride because he was in the military and I owed him. I told him repeatedly to get a cab politely. He punched me on the neck after I refused for the sixth time. This is the kind of mentality we are fostering the military next generation.
Cpl Robert Lehto
All it will take to get this rescinded again for all Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, (wait Marines aren't allowed to wear their utility uniforms while traveling) is one incident when they stop off at a bar and drink with their buddies.
PFC (Join to see)
I don't even get up to board flights with they call for active duty. That gives shit away and it could compromise Security of the country and also my wife and myself.
I disagree, unless you are traveling in/out of a deployed location.
Either travel in civilian attire or Class B or higher.
Either travel in civilian attire or Class B or higher.
LCDR (Join to see)
Sgt Joe Dukich I did comment and then saw this and agree!
LTC (Join to see) Well stated sir.
LTC (Join to see) Well stated sir.
With ISIS claiming and threatening that they can attack anyone, anywhere, why the HELL would DA think this is a good idea? OPSEC shenanigans at its finest.
Oh yeah.... Let's not forget about the Stolen Valor idiots that are probably lining up in front of the local surplus stores so they can get their undue appreciation
Oh yeah.... Let's not forget about the Stolen Valor idiots that are probably lining up in front of the local surplus stores so they can get their undue appreciation
PFC (Join to see)
As a note SSG Cline, there was one this week at the airport. In ACU's, a Tan beret moves through the crowd by the convenience store style shopette. Pretty cool I thought, there goes an awesome warrior. I just wanted to meet a Ranger! I was stoked, almost chased him down, had to compose myself, just wanted to shake a hand and maybe snap a pic, buy him any snacks or drinks needed pre-flight and move one! He turns to meet my eyes, after calling to him in every was I knew to respectfully address another soldier, especially what APPEARED to be an NCO. WRONG ANSWER PFC NADER! Unless they started a new RIP thing where you can grow a goatee like Cmdr. Riker from Star Trek, this foolish person was impersonating a soldier for a measly service upgrade, and possible discounts. "On leave, gotta run, etc" was all I got. Either I need to stay out of the Airport, or maybe the ACU onboard flights idea isn't so... good. I personally would rather travel in my Class B or higher if traveling on a civilian flight for official purposes. If it's not Army business then why are you in ACU?
Jennifer Lee (Doerflinger) Hill
PFC (Join to see) What is a Class B uniform? I don't recall seeing them on the menu in 1973.
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