Posted on Mar 17, 2015
CW2 Division Targeting Officer
In accordance with Title 5 United States Code, Section 7342, DoD M1348.33-Vol 3, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards and AR 600-8-22, Military Awards, Chapter 9, those awards from foreign governments may be accepted and worn only if in recognition of active combat service or for outstanding or unusually meritorious performance. Activities normally undertaken by the U.S. Armed Forces in support of an ally during peacetime are not considered sufficient to merit foreign individual or unit decorations.

Per the guidance of the DCS, G-1, only those foreign awards that appear in the appendices of the current regulation of AR 600-8-22 are authorized for acceptance, retention, and wear in accordance with the regulation. The online appendices previously posted by the Awards and Decorations Branch are no longer authorized for use. Any foreign awards not appearing in the current regulation are not authorized acceptance, retention and wear in accordance with applicable guidance.
AR 600-8-22 States
Eligibility requirements. Qualification and special skill badges may be accepted if awarded in recognition of meeting the criteria, as established by the foreign government concerned, for the specific award. Only those badges that are awarded in recognition of military activities and by the military department of the host country are authorized for acceptance and permanent wear. Badges that do not meet these criteria may be authorized for acceptance but not for wear, and will not be entered in the official military records of the recipient. Of particular importance are the criteria established by the military department of the host country; for example, if a particular badge is authorized for award only to enlisted personnel of host country then the badge may be accepted and worn by U.S. Army enlisted personnel.

So with all that being said if I understand this correctly, as long as you have permenant wear orders signed then you should be good wearing any of the follwing ? (German Schützenschnur Badge, GAFB, foreign jump wings)

Taking my DA Phote and I have permanent wear orders for my German Schützenschnur Badge. Trying to make sure everything is squared away.

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Responses: 1
SGM Bill Frazer
As long as you have orders (don't understand the permanent wear part) and they are in you OMPF, and they are listed in the Foreign award annex, then you can wear them anywhere to include your DA photo.
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