Posted on Dec 7, 2019
What should a prior service marine E5 expect going through OSUT at ft benning?
I’m heading to OSUT in late Jan with an 11x contract. I’m wondering if I’ll be at day zero or if they will insert me into the AIT portion of OSUT. Any recent info on what to expect would be great. Thank you in advance.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 8
I have never been infantry so I cannot speak to that piece but I can help prepare you for the culture shock between Marines and Army. I have known several that have come from the Marines and we are not as tight and missioned focused as the Marines. Not a drag on my service, Marines are smaller and can focus more on what is important and as a company grows larger, we lose that. I could never cut it as a Marine officer and I accept that as you and every other service member expect me to keep you alive when blown up. I like to thing I am pretty good at what you expect me to be good at.
Hopefully you won’t do the whole thing but it all depends on how the school house feels that day. It sucks I know but that’s a fact!
Besides that, just play smart thru training.
Besides that, just play smart thru training.
SSG Greg Smith
2LT Brian L. yeah I’d like to avoid that. I was told at MEPS someone would be at OSUT to tell me and prior service ppl where to go and ensure I’m treated with the proper respect. But 4 years in the marine corps has made me wary of just assuming “a person” will be there to give me orders.
2LT Brian L.
lol so you know then... I currently have a National Guard trainee who completed basic last year as a split option (to come back to AIT after school) who had to come back to day 0... stuff happens.. either way as long as you prove to be an asset to the drills life should be relatively good for you.
MAJ Javier Rivera
2LT Brian L. , I still don’t know why someone agree to do that crap: split option training.
To my understanding they should have you as an MOS-T but I would assume you will be in a OSUT class when they begin black phase of OSUT aka the official start of the AIT portion.
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