Posted on Mar 14, 2015
Regarding Warrant Officer Professional Development (just for fun)
In the interest of levity, and after having seen a meme which describes the Army's enlisted ranks in a similar manner, I created this meme as it relates to Warrant Officers. This is merely for humor and I hope you guys get a chuckle from it...and if you have anything to add, please sound-off. Remember, this is for humor so let's not take it personal or get personal in our responses. ;)
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
Another little bit of humor, but this is a true story. Those of you who have ever had children in DODS schools overseas know the joy of having to pull bus monitor duty. While serving my second tour in Germany, my son was in the 1st grade and I usually accompanied he and my daughter to their bus stop whenever I was available to do so. There was a 1LT pulling bus monitor one morning, sitting in the first row of seating. My son had never really taken notice of the rank insignia of a 1LT and when he saw that silver bar on his cap, he stopped at the top of the steps as he got onto the bus and asks the Lieutenant, "What C.W. are you? A CW-Nothing?" The Lieutenant was not real happy to be doing bus monitor duty at that moment, so he clearly didn't see any humor in my son's question...and my snickering about it didn't help any either. Like Art Linkletter used to say, "Kids say the darndest things."
CW4 Larry Curtis
I sat down with him that evening with a rank chart and explained the different ranks to him after that incident. As funny as that was, there are some people who just don't take well to innocent insults and he was old enough to know better. LOL. But honestly, for his whole life up to that point, he had been surrounded by my friends and co-workers who were all Warrant Officers themselves, so he just expected to see the black squares on a silver bar.
SGT (Join to see)
Since I'm currently in Germany, I find this even funnier Chief. That sounds hilarious.
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