Posted on Nov 27, 2019
Do service members attempt to research information before posting on this site?
While all questions are important, or the individual would not post, do you believe that people research on their own prior to posting a question.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 10
CSM Darieus ZaGara There seems to be a growing trend on RallyPoint for members to ask questions that they can easily research themselves. In many cases, their questions have been posted on this site already if they had taken the time to do a search. RallyPoint is receiving many questions about waivers that are best answered by a recruiter. Many military related questions should be directed to the respective military leadership. We also have members that have answers from their leadership and they are questioning the answers that they have received.
CSM, I believe that answer is a resounding NO!!!!. I guess this is their way of not having to have this discussion with their first line supervisors. Almost every question posed here should be addressed by those 1st line supervisors and ran up their respective NCO Channels. Its amazing that this isn't happening. I know my kids always one that instant answer, I guess this is the new way of doing things and getting those instant results. Why do research or talk to someone else that might have to do research when they can get an instant answer? Its frustrating to see, but this is the way things are being done now I guess.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
I learned at least two thirds of what I needed to know to be an effective NCO through research, and then it required an MOS library, books and FISCH machine. Sure I spelled that wrong, maybe I should have researched.
CSM, I have to say I don't believe so. I have seen dozens of questions that could be easily answered with the first google result listed.
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