I'm currently in reception reclassing to 19D after a 4 year break in service. I passed my hearing test at meps but I did not pass it here. My left ear shows some hearing loss. I was told it qualifies for the mos but not the army standards. I'm worried I will be discharged. They might make me go back to meps and get a wavor but I talked to my recruiter and he said there is a high chance it will be denied. So my question is can I request a second opinion and retake the test. At this point I'll do anything to stay in the army even reclass if I could.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 10
WTF, how can it qualify for the MOS but not the Army, MOS can not out rate the Army standard.
WTF? Some one actually stated, "it qualifies for the mos but not the army standards"?
That comment needs a written explanation because clearly someone is sounding stupid.
That comment needs a written explanation because clearly someone is sounding stupid.
Ok, if at MEPS tu passed then you are qualified. The only think I can think of is that reception tested you and somehow either their system is not working properly or you punched too many the push button; of didn’t. The MOS standards are the Army standards.
MAJ Javier Rivera
WTF?PFC Don Jenks worst case scenario ask for a reclass. Nevertheless, something just doesn’t make sense!
PFC Don Jenks
MAJ Javier Rivera the Sgt I spoke with today says it meets the mos requirements but not the entry standards. They are trying to send me home. Then I'd have to go through meps to get a wavor for h2 hearing.
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