Posted on Nov 12, 2019
What's AIT as a 92y E5 prior service like at Fort Lee?
I am going Active from National Guard. I am 68G currently but am reclassing to 92y. Will I have to do the ACFT upon arrival, will I participate in morning pt with initial entry or other prior service?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
You will participate with initial entry personnel during PT, but they are more lenient with the MOS-Transfers. You don't march to chow with the IET soldiers, etc. Just show up to where you need to be.
Not sure about the POI at FT Lee, but every time I reclassed, I, and the other Prior Service, did PRT with the IETs.
NG. Doesn’t start the ACFT until next year because they don’t have the equipment. Expect to do a APFT this year. Initial entry soldiers are separated in a program called RSP and managed by recruiters and drill sergeants. You will work with your unit in the position of 92y and reclassify when a class becomes available
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