I have tons and it does not determine my leadership or me as a leader. Why is it such a big deal. I can understand no hands or neck tats. But come on.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 1
While I don't agree with the tattoo policy or favor an unprofessional appearance while in uniform, the tattoo policy has taken a life of its own. It has become the epitome of political correctness when it comes to determining the end of careers for some great leaders. Arm tattoos are the easiest fix. We have long sleeve shirts. Leg tattoos; only seen while wearing pt clothes. How does this negatively impact the ability to lead or combat effectiveness? Our leaders at the highest levels should be questioned this every chance we get. I know they regularly make their rounds to talk to the troops to take the temperature of what's going on in the field so are we just hurting ourselves by not saying anything when we get the chance? Think this is not important enough? The question pertains to whether we keep a good leader in the service or not.
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