Posted on Nov 8, 2019
How should I protect myself from a high ranking individual who abused his authority?
Long story short, this was my last week in my unit before transitioning into a work program for my civilian job. My day was already completed and all I had to do was enjoy the rest of my day and focus on new beginnings, since I would technically be done with my unit. (terminal leave starts next month) Anyways I’m driving to my barracks in a vehicle that has been lowered extremely low to the ground. I enter as I normally do driving around 12-15MPH and see someone in uniform handing outside of a truck eyeballing me. I continue to arrive at the entrance of my barracks to pick someone up and a truck pulls up quick and instantly someone hops out and begins sprinting to my vehicle. But since I didn’t know the person I paid no mind and was going to back up and park my Vehicle since my plans changed. As I’m backing up this Individual jumped right behind me and I almost hit him. He stated his rank and position and demanded me to park and get out. He claims I was speeding and playing my music loud. He wanted my insurance card, drivers license, shaving profile, and CAC. I couldn’t find my CAC since I just returned from the gym but as far as my other documentation goes I felt he had no right to request such a thing. He confiscated my car keys and demanded that I find my CAC. After a couple minutes go buy I finally find it on the floor, and he decides to take a picture of it. Prior to this I gave him all my information and my leadership contact.( I had nothing to hide) he stated he’ll be bringing the photo of my CAC to my CSM and he’ll let him fix me. To top it all of he mentioned that he’s the person in charge of the program I will be attending and basically implied that he’ll kick me out. I have witnesses that had seen everything and I honestly feel that I was profiled. As far as speeding, how can someone be speeding with a vehicle that is an inch of the ground with terrible road conditions. And as far as music goes, my windows we’re down and he was 10 steps from me. Obviously you’ll hear something. He proceeded on giving me a lecture and I respected him completely throughout the entire situation while I was in civilians at parade rest. As soon as he left I called my 1SG and he was shocked at the entire situation. He told me he’ll look into it and to have a good night. I’m nervous that this high ranking individual will make something up and ruin my remaining time left. Any suggestions on what I can or should do?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Ok, first off if what you are saying is factual this guy overstepped his rank and bounds by quite a bit.
Unless he is an MP he has not training, thus no basis to know how fast you were going. Second, there is the matter of noise. That is a he-said she said and honestly unless there is a post regulation, not an issue. Third, again unless he is an MP he cannot stop you in a vehicle and demand you get out. You were, as I understand it, in civilian clothing. Further the MOST he could do is ask your name, rank and unit and that is all you were obliged to give him. He was not entitled to anything else. Also him taking your keys is a violation as well. Also you were in civvies so he had no business locking you up in parade rest.
Let your 1SG handle it. Make sure you document as much as you can remember and be sure to follow up with your 1SG ASAP.
Unless he is an MP he has not training, thus no basis to know how fast you were going. Second, there is the matter of noise. That is a he-said she said and honestly unless there is a post regulation, not an issue. Third, again unless he is an MP he cannot stop you in a vehicle and demand you get out. You were, as I understand it, in civilian clothing. Further the MOST he could do is ask your name, rank and unit and that is all you were obliged to give him. He was not entitled to anything else. Also him taking your keys is a violation as well. Also you were in civvies so he had no business locking you up in parade rest.
Let your 1SG handle it. Make sure you document as much as you can remember and be sure to follow up with your 1SG ASAP.
SPC (Join to see)
Appreciate the response SSG, I tried to comply with everything to avoid a bigger issue. My witness that was posted outside works for legal and said the same thing. By any chance is there a specific regulation about showing a CAC when requested? Obviously an MP has the right but I’m curious if there’s something in the regs about anyone else. I tried researching but couldn’t find clarification.
SSG Brian G.
SPC (Join to see) - Nothing that I know of that specifically pertains to a CAC card. You have to identify yourself ie name, rank, unit and show ID but as to anything else? No. I don't have the updated regs at my disposal at the moment so things might have changed. As has been stated, let your 1SG handle it and go from there. If there are further incidents, then advice your CoC and see about taking it higher. You only have a month left so really you can take that hill as far as you want.
SPC (Join to see) , First off it sounded like you handled yourself very well when it came to respecting this individual. I also think you did the right thing about alerting your chain of command about the situation as this would be the best course of action to always take. I would try not to worry to much and just continue to lean on your leadership as they should have your best interest at heart. Just as SSG Brian G. stated unless this individual was trained, had equipment tracking your movement speed and such there is really nothing that he could do and should have done.
There is no training for eyeballing speed, there is no authority for issuing speeding without radar. Noise he can assert, if you were as compliant as you say, your 1SG will handle this. If the individual runs a program for transition they are not high ranking. They are likely mid grade, your CSM is sure to outrank them. Bottom line is to relax, e honest and be patient. Lift your car and close your windows! Thank you for your service.
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