Posted on Nov 5, 2019
What's it like going back to basic after you've been active duty and deployed?
For you guys who went back into the service after a break and had to attend basic again, whats that like? How are you treated? Same question for the instructors from your point of view. I served four tours, two in Iraq as a solider and two as a civilian contractor still working intel in Afghanistan. I cant imagine being yelled at by a instructor trying to train you when you have more time in theater than they do.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
How long was your break? I had a prior service Soldier who went with me (prior service too) and we were treated as the other new trainees. I had a buddy who was a Marine and went through basic and deployed, but he was treated completely different. He said he was segregated from the rest of the trainees and had privileges. It depends on your DS
I served from 1977 to 1983. After 9/11 I went back in, at 46, after being out 23 years. I was not sent back to basic. I was told it was a one time thing. I reported straight to a unit after swearing in and within a couple of months I was sent to AIT to re-class from 11B to 31B
I’ve been to basic twice. Air Force first. Navy second time around. AF ribbons will mess up some Navy POs.
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