I reenlisted in the army after a four year break. I'm currently waiting on training as a 19D. While processing I was doing an eye exam. I found out I have a catoract in my right eye and my vision is 20/30 in the right eye. My left is 20/20. The army doctor sent up paperwork for a decision to either let me continue training or for a discharge. I do not want to discharge. Myos requires 20/20 in both eyes. If I go to the liason officer could he help me to reclass to a different job so I can stay in the army?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Are you training or waiting for training? Big difference between if you're already in the Army vs if MEPS has you.
If you're in the Active Duty Regular Army, the Army won't send you home if they can give you another MOS you qualify for.
If you're in the Active Duty Regular Army, the Army won't send you home if they can give you another MOS you qualify for.
Per AR 40-501, Cataracts are a disqualifying condition for general military service
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