Posted on Mar 6, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
I often wear shirts, baseball hats, my Marine cover, etc., to let others know of my service. I do this to meet other Marines, more so than being recognized by civilians.
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Cpl Anthony Pearson
I spoke with a retired vet recently who spoke about the importance of having something, anything, on our person at all times in public to signify our service. Subtle is fine. He felt it was a way to know, immediately, without a doubt, that if shit went down, if you needed help, a fellow veteran would be a trust-worthy person to make contact with. Not only that, but also someone to buy a beer for, strike up a quick conversation, or simply nod your head in silent appreciation.

It made sense to me.

I know that when I'm out in public, I am very aware of people who look military. I absolutely look for tell-tale signs, including service 'bling'. It is a comfort knowing that I am not alone in this world. My brothers and sisters are out there.

I know it sounds corny at times, but that's ok. I'll put it out "there" anyway.
PV2 Alaina Norman
PV2 Alaina Norman
>1 y
cpl anthony pearson- that's actually a really good way to look at it and reason for that matter.
PO3 Michael James
PO3 Michael James
>1 y
Its an earned privilege .. and, like it or not, I am proud to see others displaying pride in their service to our country..
PO3 Richard Freitas
PO3 Richard Freitas
>1 y
As a Vietnam Vet, I'll occasionally now wear a hat or a t-shirt in public. However, in the early 70's I would never wear anything identifying me as prior military. I'll thank other vets that wear military apparel and I don't mind civilians thanking me for my service.
PO3 Michael James
PO3 Michael James
>1 y
PO3 Richard Freitas - Thank you, Sir; Became civilian, Jan 72, I can relate to the "early 70's", and the abusive insults and the issues we faced, and Continue to face.. I don't give a DAMN what people think of our Least Respected Vietnam Veterans.. You wear the uniform.. your Life is on the line... AT ALL TIMES.... Yes, even stateside !!! Shall we recall FORT HOOD, 2009 ?? ( you could have been caught in the shower ) Whatever the Branch of service.. YOU ARE IN HARMS WAY !!! At All Times /// Defending the Constitution for everyone to enjoy.. So I will Wear anything RESPECTABLE relating to THE service of OUR country !! They can either like it or leave the country, and CONGRESS needs to recall >>FORT HOOD, and pull its head out of its ASS, FULFILL the Promises it made and Support and Respect those who have Honorably Served this Country !!
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Brig Gen Business Development Director
I rarely wear items that identify me as military when I am not on duty. Mainly because I feel uncomfortable with the praise that our non-military population continue to shower upon us. I think it is great that our military members are receiving these thanks, however, I prefer to serve my country without the need for constant accolades. It is for this reason, and not that I am not proud, that I do not wear items that identify me as military.

A lesser reason that I don't wear these items is the growing terrorist threat that is always around us.
Brig Gen Business Development Director
Brig Gen (Join to see)
>1 y
It's a small world. I graduated from Rose as well. Family still lives in Greenville and I was there last month for my retirement ceremony (@ NCSU). I agree about the congestion. So much growth, but roads haven't expanded to support.
SCPO George Skinner
SCPO George Skinner
>1 y
I agree for the same reasons. No need for thanks for something that was a job. Our fallen buddies deserve the credit, they gave it all. I did start my military life as a draftee into the Army in '68. I went into the Navy for good in '72. I do however, have a 1st Air Cav patch on my license plate more as a memorial..
MAJ J5 Strategic Plans And Training Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
I respect you modesty and I thank you for contributing to RallyPoint eh...
SSG Mark Ives
SSG Mark Ives
>1 y
I rarely get comments from military or civilians where I live in/work. I'm a new transplant to Texas, so might be a Texas thing. If I notice someone who is wearing something military related, I will sometimes ask if they served. Surprisingly, lot's of people didn't.
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CPT Company Commander
Edited >1 y ago
Img 20150307 192624 1
The question is how do you rep that RP.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Anthony Pearson Holy Cow. I will be contacted you soon.
MSG Psychological Operations Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SO much 'Murica in one shot! CPT (Join to see)
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
1LT L S Don't worry. I won't tell you about all the other cool things I have from RP. It's not like they gave me an award..... my bad, they did give me an award.
MAJ J5 Strategic Plans And Training Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
eh... noooo he hates MEMEs!
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