Posted on Oct 13, 2019
What benefits will I possibly get if I served 2 1/2 years honorably in the Army National Guard and served in army AD but was medboarded?
Questions for military veterans
Please help! I’m a soldier in the US Army Currently stationed at Fort Campbell. I’ve been in the Army National Guard in the past for Exactly 2 1/2 years then switched from The National Guard to Army Active Duty with no current break in service. I’ve been on Active Duty at Campbell since June 15th 2019 and now what benefits will I possibly get for time in both?
Please help! I’m a soldier in the US Army Currently stationed at Fort Campbell. I’ve been in the Army National Guard in the past for Exactly 2 1/2 years then switched from The National Guard to Army Active Duty with no current break in service. I’ve been on Active Duty at Campbell since June 15th 2019 and now what benefits will I possibly get for time in both?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Your a Veteran at 91 days of AD... Med Borard doesn't mean discharge... you can be returned or given a new MOS... PEB is removable and percentage given.. fight like crazy to stay in.. Dont agree to anything or sign away your rights. Contact legal..Postpone as long as you can.. disagree with the examining doctors.. then you appeal for ever as long as you can. See a SO or attorney on the VA side of things. Never stop appealing or sign anything
With that small amount of time you probably won't receive anything. But all of it will be covered in the briefing by your PEBLO once you are referred to MEB
SPC (Join to see)
Thank you sgt! I’ve heard that my time going through the med board process will start count as active service as long as I’m still doing my job daily.
SFC (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) you'll be given an ETS date as part of your separation. Everything up to that point will be counted towards your AD time.
SPC (Join to see)
Thank you Sgt! This has helped me greatly. I just hate having to leave AD only after a short term of service because it took me 11 months to transfer components. I feel like I haven’t been able to serve in hardly any capacity.
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