What would you do if you observed unauthorized wear of Badges/tabs, awards, decorations or SSI-FWT?
What would you do in this situation if you were either his senior, peer or subordinate? and Why?
Is this Soldier wrong and does he have the right to carry on wearing things he did not earn? and Why?
Hypothetical Synaposis:
You walk into work call one morning and you observe the new Soldier in your platoon. You greet the new guy and welcome him in. You know this Soldier from your previous duty station because you were both deployed to RC-East. Same company, but different platoons and same battle space in RC-East. As you casually catch up on old times, you observe him wearing an SSI that you know you both did not earn while on the previous and only deployment.
Same scenario but he is wearing a skill tab or some type of badge.
I knew many people who worked hard to earn their Army Service Ribbon. It would be a shame is posers (who did not earn it)wore that ribbon. You can read all about it in my new book "Army Service Ribbon, a harrowing tale of surviving the reception station, basic training, and most of AIT."
CPT M and I have almost 50 years combined in the army. I myself look like I went to the PX and bought everything in there but I earned every last one of them. In my twenty years in the Army I have seen a lot of stuff Solider's do that are not right and I fix every one of them. My point is it is funny to us to read some of these posts.
As an MP we tend to deploy as company size elements and we fall under infantry BCTs or in my case right now an MP BN from a different post. The MP BDE that we relieved in JAN handed out a Memo to a ton of MP companys that fell under them for as little as 30 days. Awarding them their patch. Totally against the regs.
As for tabs and badges? Hammer comes down. You ether know or don't know if you went to AA or Airborne school.
I laughed my A** off when our unit got word! =D