Posted on Oct 2, 2019
SSG Detachment Ncoic
I am currently AGR 68C/68W looking to go to CAAS. On speaking to the Arsoc recruiter it sounds like i will need to come off AGR, into a TPU status then onto active duty proper prior to submitting a packet. My Senior NCO told me that I would be expected to spend at least a year at the gaining unit before being allowed to submit a CA packet. Is this common practice? Do AD commanders make exceptions based on personal goals? A year spent at an AD unit in order to go to CAAS seems unnecessary when i could potentially just pcs straight from my reserve unit to CAAS. Any guidance would be appreciated.
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Responses: 5
SGM Jeff Mccloud
You cannot PCS straight to CAAS. It is not a duty assignment, it is a 9 day selection course.
There is no XRAY program for CA.

However, you do not need to wait a year to apply for CAAS. You can do so as soon as you are eligible on Active duty. That said, getting the physical done and getting a CAAS class date reserved will probably be a class 3-6 months after you get to your first unit.
Then, assuming you get selected, you will get a course date that is at least 3 months out, and maybe 6 months out.
You can get an exception to PCS to the course after 9 months on your first duty station, but odds are you wouldn't need it anyway.
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SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
Yeah, it's pretty standard (I think army policy) that you spend a year with that unit. You'd be hard pressed to find any commander that will sign a waiver for you on the basis that they just got you, releasing you within a year would be an unnecessary process for them when the slot could've just gone to someone who'd stick around in their unit.
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CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
SOF CA Recruiter here. Let's clear it all up man.
Recent changes have come down to allow Reservists (and any service - active, reserve, or guard, USCG, USMC, you name it) to attend CAAS.
You do not even need your DD 368 Conditional Release until AFTER you finish CAAS and are Selected. - CAAS is a school, just like going to ABN or BLC, 10 days TDY and it counts for drill time, and USAJFKSWCS pays for the whole thing.
Packet - volunteer statement, SERE physical, ERB, DTS screenshot, APFT conducted by and ARSOF member/recruiter, and any necessary waivers. - that's it.
Minimum qualifications for CA 107+ GT, E5 3-6 yr TIS NMT 3 yr TIG, 240+ APFT, SERE physical, US citizen.....that's it.
You may drop your packet as soon as you have it ready, from wherever you are. There are 9 CAAS courses per year, so we can find one to fit your schedule.

What state are you located in?
SSG Detachment Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
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Thank you for the clarification, that makes the process much simpler. I'm currently stationed in Jacksonville, FL on a naval base. The closest ARSOC recruiters to me are up at Ft. Stewart. I will likely be out on TDY for the rest of the year and picking up E-6 first thing next year. But from there I intend to get the ball rolling on the packet. I meet the line score and security clearance requirements. I just need to get the SERE physical and the APFT scheduled with the recruiters at Ft Stewart.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
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SSG (Join to see) give SFC Tyler at Stewart station a call, you may be able to get it in sooner of you wish. Selection trumps most things
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