Was with the 2nd ENGR BN 3/88-3/89. This is Doc Ferguson I did the STD work in the a.m. with Ahn, the Katusa I worked with. Left my brother Doc McCleary when I went state side.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 2
was told it was given back and there cleaning it up was there a couple of years before you or I know we would have met
According to militarybases.com, SPC Michael Ferguson, Camp Castle is still open:

Camp Castle Army Base in Daegu City, South Korea | MilitaryBases.com
Learn more about Camp Castle Army Base, located in Daegu City, South Korea on MilitaryBases.com
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Here's maybe a better report on Camp Castle:

Camp Castle was within walking distance of Camp Casey. Like Camp Casey, Camp Castle was located in Tongduchon some 40 miles from Seoul. Camp Castle housed the 2nd Engineer Battalion on 48.6 acres. The Camp's primary mission was to provide engineering support for 2nd Infantry Division.
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