Posted on Sep 8, 2019
Sgt Intelligence Specialist
So I transitioned over from the marine corps (great decision no regrets) after 9 years. I have a few awards that I’ve been trying to transfer over.
S1 tells me the DD214 is not a valid source document for awards. No biggie, they accept original award citations.
But for the things that don’t have award citations, Afghan campaign medal, Sea service deployment ribbons, GWOTs, etc, what is supposed to be the acceptable source document? S1 is content with the answer that they just won’t transfer and that’s what happens when I switch branches, which I know is not true from my research on rallypoint. I just can’t find the answer to what satisfactory source documents for these awards are. Advice?
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Responses: 6
CW5 Fixed Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific)
I ran into the same problem when coming off an active duty tour. The National Guard claimed a DD214 is not a valid source document for awards. That included overseas ribbons and campaign awards. I had to go back and find orders covering deployed periods to prove my DD214 was correct. Seemed like a waste of my time as they wouldn't be on a DD214 to begin with if you hadn't been deployed. In the Army!
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
If it is on your DD 214 from the Marines, then you should have documentation somewhere validating why it's on your 214. But, to answer your question, any documentation that you have in regards to orders, memorandums, certificates, DD 638s.....anything that is listed on an official DD document for what ever award from the Marines should suffice.
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2LT Army Reserve Unit Administrator
The DD214 is proof of AD time and oversees tours. To that end, it is the source document for campaign medals and sea service. Awards that require an approved memo or the actual award certificate, such as the GWOT's or MUC's, may be listed on your DD214 but you would need to provide the memos/certs for them to carry over.
Your S-1 could re-recommend you for the awards and submit them. For that you would use orders, DD214's, and any other proof to show the AO that you competed the requirements for the award.
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