Posted on Sep 5, 2019
Prior service Marine now in the Army thinking of sticking this out till the end. Just wondering if I have to start over from scratch and do a whole 20 years in that branch for retirement or if my active duty years in the Corps count towards that.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
All active duty years count.
So, if you did six years in the Corps, you would do 14 years in the Army to complete the 20-years.
So, if you did six years in the Corps, you would do 14 years in the Army to complete the 20-years.
SPC Onel Cruz
Actually I got one more for ya, IADT in the reserves. Do those count as active duty time? SGT Javier Silva
SGT Javier Silva
SPC Onel Cruz - IADT is part of your Reserve time, it is not considered as a separate thing. Look at the number of points you have.
It’s all credible service towards retirement minus periods or unauthorized absense i.e. AWOL or incarnation. If the latter two don’t apply; you’re G2G.
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