Posted on Aug 20, 2019
Is there a list of Motorcycle clubs banned from post, or a list of clubs not to join as a SM? Can I wear my club vest on post?
Is there a list of Motorcycle clubs banned from post, or a list of clubs not to join as a SM? Can I wear my club vest on post? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
Not sure that if I was a SM that I would want to take a chance and join any group
Different bases have different rules for colors on post. You also need to take into account do you want to advertise you're in a club? Will your affiliation with a club hinder your career? Every year the FBI puts out the OMG report, the last half of the report is SMs and contractors that have security clearances and work for Uncle Sam. May not be something your club wanted attention for.
The only real regulations that cover this sort of thing is 600-20 that talk about extremist groups. Traditional MC, while nothing official in by laws, are segregated. This could be enough for commanders to step in and make life difficult for you.
The only real regulations that cover this sort of thing is 600-20 that talk about extremist groups. Traditional MC, while nothing official in by laws, are segregated. This could be enough for commanders to step in and make life difficult for you.
Please don't... Motorcycle clubs are just Boomer cosplay. No one thinks you're cool or tough, only that you're not approaching middle age gracefully.
SFC Michael D.
I say this out of respect. It is not about being tough or looking cool. It's about Brotherhood.

The intent of this section is to give you an overview of the structure and philosophy of the traditional motorcycle club (MC). This does not necessarily express the feelings or priorities of any particular club, as all motorcycle clubs differ on some points. Regardless of the basic philosophy of this group, it is important that you understand the perspectives of other clubs that you may be associating with from time to time.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I’m a legacy for a club and they are pushing me towards it now. Was just wanting to check on info for it.
SFC Michael D.
SGT(P) (Join to see) - Just FYI Brother, Chapters in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.

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