I don't think we have a clear understanding of what is truly Political Correctness, and what isn't.
Political correctness doesn't mean, for example, having rules that say you shouldn't call me, a black man, a nigger.
Political correctness means someone's being offended because, when trying to point me out standing in a crowd of warrant officers, you say "Chief Walker is the black male CW2 standing over there". What's wrong with that? I *am* black, I *am* male, and I *am* (for now) a CW2.
Political correctness would force me, as a part of my commissioning oath, to say "So Help Me God" when my religious beliefs prohibit it.
Political correctness would force one of my colleagues to NOT say it, when his beliefs either permit or demand it
Political correctness doesn't mean, for example, having rules that say you shouldn't call me, a black man, a nigger.
Political correctness means someone's being offended because, when trying to point me out standing in a crowd of warrant officers, you say "Chief Walker is the black male CW2 standing over there". What's wrong with that? I *am* black, I *am* male, and I *am* (for now) a CW2.
Political correctness would force me, as a part of my commissioning oath, to say "So Help Me God" when my religious beliefs prohibit it.
Political correctness would force one of my colleagues to NOT say it, when his beliefs either permit or demand it
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 9
Political Correctness? You mean Owellianspeak? Re-read 1984 by George Orwell, is so parallel to what is happening now days it's spooky
PO2 Terri Myre
I read 1984 back in the day and decided to re-read it not that long ago. I honestly could not finish the book due to the fact that it's so similar to how things are playing out in today's society. I don't understand how "we the people" have let things get so out of control.
Very valid points indeed. But, remember the posts about a black couple who were quite offended because written on their order was the words black people in booth (or something like that)?
I will go for the opposite. Political incorrectness is taking everything that is said as offensive and raising a stink because I am offended.
I will go for the opposite. Political incorrectness is taking everything that is said as offensive and raising a stink because I am offended.
CPO (Join to see)
Synonyms for politically correct:
I agree that a minority of individuals try to shield their extreme position (left & right) under the guise of political correctness and that those extreme positions are stupidity in it's purest form. However, their act of trying to camouflage their extreme views as being political correct is *not* the same as being politically correct.
I find the synonyms for politically correct to be very smart and quite desirable. What is stupid about being: considerate, inclusive, multicultural, diplomatic, nonracist, nonsexist, respectful?
I certainly do not want to be belittled, insulted, and offended at work or school. However, the rules and standards I expect in my workplace or school are not what I want when I visit a comedy club or view certain other forms of entertainment or participate in 1st Amendment issues. Furthermore, at work and school, I do not want self declared word police trying to find offense in everything that is said or touchy feely safe zones with time-out cards enveloped in a bubble wrapped comfort cocoon. Extremes on both ends of the spectrum are stupid and unwanted, and different standards are needed for different situations.
I agree that a minority of individuals try to shield their extreme position (left & right) under the guise of political correctness and that those extreme positions are stupidity in it's purest form. However, their act of trying to camouflage their extreme views as being political correct is *not* the same as being politically correct.
I find the synonyms for politically correct to be very smart and quite desirable. What is stupid about being: considerate, inclusive, multicultural, diplomatic, nonracist, nonsexist, respectful?
I certainly do not want to be belittled, insulted, and offended at work or school. However, the rules and standards I expect in my workplace or school are not what I want when I visit a comedy club or view certain other forms of entertainment or participate in 1st Amendment issues. Furthermore, at work and school, I do not want self declared word police trying to find offense in everything that is said or touchy feely safe zones with time-out cards enveloped in a bubble wrapped comfort cocoon. Extremes on both ends of the spectrum are stupid and unwanted, and different standards are needed for different situations.

I found great synonyms for "politically correct" on the new Thesaurus.com!
Synonyms for politically correct at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
CPO (Join to see)
Ironically, when their feelings get hurt or their senses are offended, the demographic that complains/whines the most about the stupidity of political correctness will scream and yell exactly like the people they condemn as being thin skinned, overly sensitive, and weak.
When a politically incorrect label was used to describe a group smaller than 20% of US voters -- suddenly the complainers against political correctness became the victims of political incorrectness and threw a major temper tantrum. (i.e. half of Trump supporters (50% of roughly 40% nationally) belong in a "basket of deplorables"). Even many members of the group that was actually complimented, inexplicably decided to place themselves within the 20% basket and complain about being insulted and offended. Or how many in that same demographic group that hates political correctness are outraged by the politically incorrect act of taking a knee during the national anthem? Where did their thick skin go? Why are they suddenly so weak, overly sensitive, and easily offended?
Rapists, murders and drug dealers is okay, but a basket of deplorables for 50% of 40% crosses the line? Is being politically correct is only important when it offends them?
When a politically incorrect label was used to describe a group smaller than 20% of US voters -- suddenly the complainers against political correctness became the victims of political incorrectness and threw a major temper tantrum. (i.e. half of Trump supporters (50% of roughly 40% nationally) belong in a "basket of deplorables"). Even many members of the group that was actually complimented, inexplicably decided to place themselves within the 20% basket and complain about being insulted and offended. Or how many in that same demographic group that hates political correctness are outraged by the politically incorrect act of taking a knee during the national anthem? Where did their thick skin go? Why are they suddenly so weak, overly sensitive, and easily offended?
Rapists, murders and drug dealers is okay, but a basket of deplorables for 50% of 40% crosses the line? Is being politically correct is only important when it offends them?
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