Many like to make a comment about the fact that POTUS wasn't born in America and that his father was African. And I heard many that love to diabolize anybody that speak with a different accent or has certain skin tons. But what makes America a great and rich country is its melting pot. Nowhere else in the world you see such thing. We have to be proud of that and encourage other nations of the world into cultural integration.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 9
Many of those who were born in America take our liberty for granted and have no appreciation for the sacrifice made by our Founding Fathers, most of whom lost their fortunes to ensure that they left us an inheritance of freedom, which they said was guaranteed to all men by God [lest any man or government of men think they could take it away.]
So to answer your question, "No, you don't have to be born in America to love it." In fact, I would argue that most of those not born here, who came here legally, have a deeper appreciation for what we have here, which is what attracted them in the first place.
But I'll caveat that too. I am not referring to those who came here illegally, who don't want to learn English or assimilate into our culture. We are nothing but a money whore to them. And many of those who come here illegally are only here to take advantage of our good will and "free stuff." It is NOT our responsibility to take care of them. We should NOT be providing them with jobs, or giving them any benefits whatsoever. No drivers licenses, no free hospital stays, no automatic citizenship for their children, no free schooling, no SSA benefits, etc. The only thing they deserve is a one way ticket back to where they came from, paid for by them. And if they don't have the cash, they could work it off making license plates, doing laundry, working in the kitchen preparing meals at the crossbar hotel, where they can stay until such time as they decide it's time to go home.
So to answer your question, "No, you don't have to be born in America to love it." In fact, I would argue that most of those not born here, who came here legally, have a deeper appreciation for what we have here, which is what attracted them in the first place.
But I'll caveat that too. I am not referring to those who came here illegally, who don't want to learn English or assimilate into our culture. We are nothing but a money whore to them. And many of those who come here illegally are only here to take advantage of our good will and "free stuff." It is NOT our responsibility to take care of them. We should NOT be providing them with jobs, or giving them any benefits whatsoever. No drivers licenses, no free hospital stays, no automatic citizenship for their children, no free schooling, no SSA benefits, etc. The only thing they deserve is a one way ticket back to where they came from, paid for by them. And if they don't have the cash, they could work it off making license plates, doing laundry, working in the kitchen preparing meals at the crossbar hotel, where they can stay until such time as they decide it's time to go home.
If we can adopt children and love them as our own, I believe one is capable of adopting a country and loving it as well. I think there are tons of people that come to this country and love it. Some maybe more than even folks born here because this country filled a void or gave them something they ciuldnt find in their home country. We have a wonderful country in spite of its flaws, so it does not surprise me that people come here and fall in love with the US.
All of us are here because we wanted more. I do not think I should be the one to say that others can not come here because they want more, a safe place to live, success for their family, and to be better. In this modern day we should be careful of who we let in, but there are always going to be some bad. Everything in this world, no matter how good it is, comes with bad. It is just the way it is. I am happy this discussion was started. I am tired of always hearing bad about the President on "The Point". The people elected him (twice) and there should never be any SM's ever talking bad about the president anywhere. Veterans, just because you can now talk about the President in any way you would like does not mean it should be done on a site that also caters too Active Duty Personal. There is a time and place for everything but for subjects like the President, this is not it. That is my opinion on this subject.
David Shaffer
All of us are here because we wanted more. I do not think I should be the one to say that others can not come here because they want more, a safe place to live, success for their family, and to be better. In this modern day we should be careful of who we let in, but there are always going to be some bad. Everything in this world, no matter how good it is, comes with bad. It is just the way it is. I am happy this discussion was started. I am tired of always hearing bad about the President on "The Point". The people elected him (twice) and there should never be any SM's ever talking bad about the president anywhere. Veterans, just because you can now talk about the President in any way you would like does not mean it should be done on a site that also caters too Active Duty Personal. There is a time and place for everything but for subjects like the President, this is not it. That is my opinion on this subject.
David Shaffer

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