Posted on Aug 8, 2019
Since my reclass was approved, but no school seats are available, what are the chances a seat would open up in 2020?
My reclass and grade waiver were approved by prompone for 15Wt within a week but HRC says they have no seats available in 2020. I really don't wanna extend here no does my family because I'm always gone with the unit. What are the chances a seat would open up in 2020 for me to fill?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
Chances are what chances are. Anyone who tells you otherwise is speculating. Either continue to request a seat once a month, or pick a different option. Chances are though, you'll be promotable or promoted by the time a seat opens up and need another grade waiver that probably won't be approved.
Obv, I have zero clue if it'd be doable at all, or, also, if you'd wanna try for it in any of the others, all I'm saying is, the spots are apparently there, so, what've you got to lose by at least asking, ya know?
Then I found this also....
Then I found this also....

Career Profile: The Navy's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Specialists
Check out a breakdown of several specialized job categories the U.S. Navy has created to operate its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
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