Posted on Jul 26, 2019
Has anyone ever used the Military Corrections Board process?
I currently have a record of 4 for a medical retirement, behavioral health. I am trying to get it changed to an recode of 3 so I can get a waiver to get back into the Army. I sent paperwork to the board requesting the same but haven’t heard back yet. Was curious to know if anyone has used this process before and the results of so if you did.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
Did you get a medical retirement, and are now seeking to change the code to reenlist?
If the code was correct for the circumstances when it was given, it is unlikely that it would be changed because your mental health condition changed.
Documents showing your condition has changed wouldn't have relevance. Documents during the period leading to your separation would have relevance. For those documents, you would have to provide sufficient evidence that they were in error.
If you successfully get it changed, it wouldn't guarantee reenlistment.
You would likely require a waiver at MEPS. You can review DoDI 6130.03 to see if you would require one.
If the code was correct for the circumstances when it was given, it is unlikely that it would be changed because your mental health condition changed.
Documents showing your condition has changed wouldn't have relevance. Documents during the period leading to your separation would have relevance. For those documents, you would have to provide sufficient evidence that they were in error.
If you successfully get it changed, it wouldn't guarantee reenlistment.
You would likely require a waiver at MEPS. You can review DoDI 6130.03 to see if you would require one.
SPC Kyle Baker
I was medically retired yes. I am trying to get back into the Army as I saw my retirement as unjust. I reached out for help once and was told that I am getting out of the military. I have supporting documents from my prior chain of command and PSG, stating that it was an isolated incident so I’m hoping those “buddy references” can help to swing their decision. I honestly would do whatever is necessary to get back in. But yes I will check out the DoD information you provided. Thank you
1SG (Join to see)
SPC Kyle Baker
From the board's FAQ page
Question: Can the Army Discharge Review Board change my Reentry Eligibility (RE) code?
Answer: The RE code (Reentry Eligibility code) is determined by the reason for separation, not the character of separation.
According to Army Regulation 601-210 (Regular Army and Army Reserve Enlistment Program), the Reentry Eligibility (RE) code can only be changed if an incorrect code was entered. For this type of correction, please send a letter and a copy of your DD Form 214 to the following address requesting the correction:
US Army Human Resources Command
Attention: Retention Branch (AHRC-EPF)
1600 Spearhead Division Drive, Dept 365
Fort Knox, KY 40121
The RE code is not upgraded to allow enlistment. Soldiers separated with an RE-3 or RE-4 code must seek a waiver from a recruiter to enlist. Depending on the type of discharge and disqualification, a waiver may not be possible.
If however, a former Soldier can provide evidence that the RE code is an error or unjust, the former Soldier may apply to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records for a correction of the RE code. If the former Soldier can provide evidence that their discharge character or reason for discharge issued in the last 15 years are erroneous or unjust, the former Soldier can apply to the Army Discharge Review Board for a discharge review and request that their RE code be changed according to the correct reason for discharge.
From the board's FAQ page
Question: Can the Army Discharge Review Board change my Reentry Eligibility (RE) code?
Answer: The RE code (Reentry Eligibility code) is determined by the reason for separation, not the character of separation.
According to Army Regulation 601-210 (Regular Army and Army Reserve Enlistment Program), the Reentry Eligibility (RE) code can only be changed if an incorrect code was entered. For this type of correction, please send a letter and a copy of your DD Form 214 to the following address requesting the correction:
US Army Human Resources Command
Attention: Retention Branch (AHRC-EPF)
1600 Spearhead Division Drive, Dept 365
Fort Knox, KY 40121
The RE code is not upgraded to allow enlistment. Soldiers separated with an RE-3 or RE-4 code must seek a waiver from a recruiter to enlist. Depending on the type of discharge and disqualification, a waiver may not be possible.
If however, a former Soldier can provide evidence that the RE code is an error or unjust, the former Soldier may apply to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records for a correction of the RE code. If the former Soldier can provide evidence that their discharge character or reason for discharge issued in the last 15 years are erroneous or unjust, the former Soldier can apply to the Army Discharge Review Board for a discharge review and request that their RE code be changed according to the correct reason for discharge.
SPC Kyle Baker
That’s what I filed my claim as, my reasoning being unjust. I guess I can just hope that they get back to me and if I sent the information to the wrong personnel then to be pointed in the right direction. 1SG (Join to see)
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