Posted on Jul 24, 2019
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
For Active Duty Army OCS, what was the oldest age in your class? I'm asking because I'm 34, and I'm kind of concerned that HRC might not give me the age waiver. I still can score high on PT test though.
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Responses: 7
SFC Marc W.
So as of last years OCS milper, a candidate could not be 34 before commissioning without a waiver. You're more likely to get the age waiver if the rest of your packet is good. The AFS is the real killer. Only thing you can do is put together the strongest packet possible with LORs supporting it and submit it.
Andy Beaufront
Andy Beaufront
5 y
What is the likely hood or possibility of having a packet approved for NON prior service and being commissioned as an officer at the age of 39 with a Bachelors degree? I am told that I need to finish dropping the weight before I can submit the packet. The recruiter informed me that he has seen packets approved/ declined as early as 2 months time, but that it kin of just depended on who was doing the "approvals"
SFC Marc W.
SFC Marc W.
5 y
Honestly, I don't know. Best recommendation is present the best possible you to the process.
SFC Dan Thomsen
SFC Dan Thomsen
>1 y
Also depends on the career field your looking into. The key is the age you will be when you arrive the first day at the schoolhouse.
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2LT Infantry Officer
I just received an age wavier for OCS and I am 37. When my BDE submited my age wavier I include 3 PT card which reflected a 289, 294, and 298 APFT score. I think you’ll have a higher chance of getting your wavier approved if you submit multiple PT cards with a 280< APFT score.
2LT Acquisition, Logistics & Technology (AL&T) Contracting NCO
2LT (Join to see)
>1 y
Hello CPL Samuel Jones, is the age waiver a separate 4187 with 3 Different PT scores? My S1 really doesnt seem to know much and i am trying to find answers inorder to make it easy for them and speed up my submission process. I would really appreciate it if i could see a sample of the age waiver and so i can have it all ready for S1 to just submit it to HRC. I am currently 33 preparing my packet for the next panel date. Please let me know.
2LT Infantry Officer
2LT (Join to see)
>1 y
2LT (Join to see)
Yes, there is a separate 4187 you do for the age wavier and include the PT cards with it. In my MILPRE (18-140) it stated only 1 PT card but I included 3 because I was 36 at the time I applied. I’m at OCS now, commissioning this Friday. If you give me your email, when I get back to my duty station I can send you my copy.
2LT Acquisition, Logistics & Technology (AL&T) Contracting NCO
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SGT Commissioned Officer Candidate
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Hi sir,
Thanks for sharing. I am trying to submit an age waiver as well and was not sure of the correct way, your post gave me much more clarity. If you don’t mind I would love a sample copy as well.
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CW4 Craig Urban
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