Posted on Feb 17, 2015
MAJ David Vermillion
Are civilian security guards good for the military? What is the message they are sending to the public.
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Responses: 19
MAJ Signal Officer
Edited >1 y ago
Having spent my first 5 years enlisted as an MP I will first acknowledge my bias. My preference will always be to have a Soldier at the gate and if possible he/she will be an MP. That belief carries forward to other areas as well though. We see many TDA unit with civilians serving in primary staff positions and many other areas on post are now filled by civilians that not too long ago were filled by a Soldier. I understood the fiscal reasoning overall in the long term but being a Soldier will always be different than having been a Soldier when caring for Soldiers. This will not always be the case and many vets or even some who never served do a terrific job and have great passion and care/concern for taking care of Soldiers. Something we said when I was an MP was "Of the Troops and for the Troops" and being cared for and protected by fellow currently serving Soldiers has it's attraction to me. Again I am biased and that is my personal preference and it's not because civilians are incapable or lacking.
MAJ David Vermillion
MAJ David Vermillion
10 y
You said it well, totally agree.
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CW3 Kenneth Peck
I feel that trained MP's should be used for what they have been trained for! If in a Garrison environment then Base Security including manning the Gates......If in a Field environment then Troop Security, Combat Patrols, Route Recon, etc...
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CSM Command Sergeant Major IN
Edited 10 y ago
No problem I know of. If they save money, than yes, I'm for freeing up dollars to be spent on something in the military other than a military gate guard. I don't think it sends any message to the public - they don't know any better.
MAJ David Vermillion
MAJ David Vermillion
10 y
I think it only bothers me, to civilians, they don't the difference. My interest was it's a military base and I feel the first thing you should see is a military person.
CSM Command Sergeant Major IN
CSM (Join to see)
10 y
I understand with what you're saying MAJ David Vermillion . It bothers me some, and probably bothers us old veteran/retired farts more than anyone, because we know what it used to be like.
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