Posted on Jul 12, 2019
Are AIT soldiers prohibited from befriending DA Civilians?
I just transitioned out of the military, and I am now a federal employee as a DA Civilian. I met a couple of the AIT soldiers at the gym, we were working out together and I could definitely see them as workout buddies considering we all lift around the same and have similar goals. Is this allowed? I just don't want to get them in trouble if they can
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Generally, off duty conduct for Army Civilians is not controlled by the Government. A perfect example of this is the SHARP rules apply to Soldiers whether they are on duty or not and only apply to Army Civilians when they are on duty. Common sense would dictate that if you are involved with their training in any way that you avoid the appearance of favoritism by associating with them during non working hours. That being said, since it is a training environment it is possible special rules apply to interacting with trainees. To me it would make sense if there were special restrictions that you would have received a briefing during new hire orientation. If you are a member of a bargaining unit (most non-supervisors) are then I would check with the Union Representative since you will need them to defend your actions if someone complains.
It is prohibited by local policy letters in every AIT location as TR 350-6 prohibits any relationship between trainees and permanent party and civilians that are not family. In Fort Gordon, GA it is covered under Policy Letter 17 and we brief every trainee of these prohibited relationship within the first week of arriving. So, that is a negative on befriending them. They are only allowed to have professional relationships with any other person to include other trainees (excluding family).
MSG (Join to see)
MSG Gary Eckert that is why I mentioned Policy Letter 17 specifically Chapter 10: Prohibited Relationships, para B: Permanent Party Soldiers, Civilians, MOS-T. I'm currently in Fort Gordon, GA as a Senior Drill Sergeant and this is briefed to the trainees so they should be aware of this. TR 350-6 has a section about Prohibited Relationships which has been expounded by the local COE commander to include Civilians as many of the instructors are DA Civilians and Contractor which puts them in a trainers roles with trainees.
MSG (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) For their sake, being they are impressionable, I would advise you not befriend them as it could have adverse consequences for both yourself and the trainees
MSG Gary Eckert
I am not disagreeing that there may be a local policy. I am not even disagreeing that the Soldiers may be ordered not to associate with any Army Civilians. My point to the OP was he has an official channel to get the question answered which if he is in a bargaining unit it would be his union representative because that is the person that is going to know what has been agreed to with the installation. While Army Civilians are part of the Army team, there are different personnel rules that apply to them.
This question can be answered by the AIT Chain of Command. In most training bases AIT students have abridged rules of conduct as do Cadre. It is best to ask the question before inadvertently getting you workout buddies in possible trouble.
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