Posted on Jul 11, 2019
Am I on the correct path to Flight Warrant Officer?
I’ve been a medic stationed at Benning for 3 years now. During my time at Benning, I didn’t receive support from my leadership for my long term goal of flight warrant officer. Somewhere along the way I gave up and accepted the pressure to just go the NCO route instead. Long story short, I went on a lengthy TDY. During that TDY, my leadership there did everything it could to reignite my dream of flying for the army. Within a day, a 4187 was signed for my SIFT test and appointments for a flight physical were scheduled. I ended up passing my SIFT and was only able to complete the first part of the physical(second part will be back at duty station). I’m tracking along with that I’ll be needing a recommendation from an 0-5 or higher along with a Chief Warrant officer(CW3 or higher). My initial planning for that would be to ask to spend the day with some aviators at my stations flight house and have them understand my intentions and what they do on a regular basis. Hypothetically, since my SIFT is done, Flight Physical will be passed, and Recommendations will Be received, is there anything else I’m missing at the moment to send a packet with a chance of getting accepted? Thank you for any answers and advice in advance and I apologize for any dumb questions.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
I sat on a WO accessions board several years back and I can tell you there are a lot of packets that look very similar. Everyone has dreamed of being a pilot since they were a child, but very few have taken steps outside the Army to follow it. I recommend that you find a local civilian flight instructor and try to get some ground school and a few training flight hours. This will show that you are truly passionate about flying. It will cost you a little money, but will definitely help distinguish your packet. I had one of my Soldiers do something very similar and he was selected for flight WO as a PFC.
This website has just about everything you need to help complete your packet. Specifically the 'When do I apply?' and 'How do I apply?' links. You will find most all the forms and documentation you need to fill out for your packet under 'How do I apply' as well as a checklist on everything you'll need for your packet.
It would benefit you to attend a Warrant Briefing as well. Check out the 'Briefing Schedules' link below 'How do I apply?' and you'll see a name and phone contact for your duty station. I didn't attend one until I was nearly complete with my packet, but I still learned some useful information.
- As far as some other things you mentioned, you will need 3 LORs. Specifically, Troop Commander, Squadron Commander and a Warrant that holds the MOS you are applying for (CW3 or higher is preferred)
- According to your profile you already have a secret clearance, which is perfect.
- Make sure you don't have any waivers that need to be submitted (You can find out this info under 'How do I apply')
Let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck.
It would benefit you to attend a Warrant Briefing as well. Check out the 'Briefing Schedules' link below 'How do I apply?' and you'll see a name and phone contact for your duty station. I didn't attend one until I was nearly complete with my packet, but I still learned some useful information.
- As far as some other things you mentioned, you will need 3 LORs. Specifically, Troop Commander, Squadron Commander and a Warrant that holds the MOS you are applying for (CW3 or higher is preferred)
- According to your profile you already have a secret clearance, which is perfect.
- Make sure you don't have any waivers that need to be submitted (You can find out this info under 'How do I apply')
Let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck.

U.S. Army Warrant Officer Recruiting
The official website for the Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)
SPC (Join to see)
Thank you! I’ll be using this as a guide from now on. And I’ll be sure to attend one of the briefings soon.
CW2 (Join to see)
SPC Robert DeVolld - No, they are pretty easy to get actually. You only need to "justify" the reason why you waited until now to submit a packet.
Whenever you approach a Warrant Officer or Senior Leader for a LOR, be sure to have your packet about 90% complete. They want to see dedication and commitment to this career path. There are no dumb questions, but ensure you've done the research and exhausted all avenues before asking a "relatively simple" question. When I was filling out my packet, I was able to answer about 99% of my own questions through research. Good luck to you.
SPC (Join to see)
When you say that you were able to answer your own question ssg, what kind of questions do you mean just as an example?
CW2 (Join to see)
So questions that pertained to the board selection, timelines, flight school schedules and dates. Things like that.
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