Posted on Jul 7, 2019
SGT Cannon Crew Member
I am currently Army National Guard and looking to make the jump to active duty through OCS. However, I have heard after OCS, BOLC report times may vary. My question is this: what does an active duty 2LT do during that waiting period? Will I have a duty assignment? Is it considered IRR time? I just want to make sure I’m not setting my family up to be without pay for a while. Thanks in advance!
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Responses: 4
MAJ Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Orsa)
It depends on your BOLC. You will go there immediately after OCS graduation and “snowbird.” Where I taught BOLC, snowbirds performed a variety of jobs before getting a class date. Some actually got to be XOs of AIT companies depending on how long they would not have a class. Others reported every morning for “casual detail” where you got a detail for the day being an extra body for some organization on post who needed an extra body. It really depends. But for all of them, you will report to your BOLC location immediately.
SGT Cannon Crew Member
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Thanks for the info, Sir! Would my family be allowed to follow to the BOLC site? (I’m sure PCS dependent, but unsure if that’s a common thing or not). Thanks!
MAJ Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Orsa)
MAJ (Join to see)
5 y
SGT (Join to see) BOLC is a TDY en route, typically. The Army will not pay to ship your family. You can move them up there, but you will not be compensated for the costs of any of that. You can get family separation pay while you are there. If you move your family on your own dime, be aware that your BAH paid will be based on the zip code of where you are officially assigned. So if you move your family to your BOLC location, your BAH paid will not be based on your BOLC location, it is based on where you are moving them from. This was an issue often when I was an IST at Huachuca.
SP5 Alan Gilmore
SP5 Alan Gilmore
5 y
What is the downside to wearing uniform from duty station to home or elsewhere?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I will add to your comment for the young soldier that when you go TDY that if you bring your family, you maybe double bunked in your hotel and I would not consider having your family stay with you in your government provided billets for training until you find out where you will be staying. I have had friends as high as CPT two to a room in an on base hotel.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
There will be no break in pay from OCS and BOLC since your status is AD.
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1LT Quartermaster Officer
If you're a active duty 2LT you go to where BOLC will be and you perform staff duty for that school until you class up.
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