Posted on Jun 16, 2019
SSG Squad Leader
I was told last week I am getting my 1st look at SSG this week and to prepare for the board. I was given very little to go off of and this is my first board ever( I came from the Marines.). Would it be frowned upon if I went to my PSG and tried to get put on the next one so I can have more time to prepare? I haven’t had a Mock board, we’re in the middle of EIB testing/ work up so time to study has been minimal?
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Responses: 8
CSM Carl Cunningham
Here is what I will tell you.....if THEY are telling you that you are going, it's because THEY think you are ready. And if you are in the middle of EIB testing, then you should know some of the answers they are going to ask. I would focus studying to the Army programs that you may be unfamiliar with. Either way, you are already a leader, time to show them you are a leader of other NCO's, which I am sure you did in the USMC. I wouldn't worry, however, that PSG better show the board procedures before you enter next week.
SGT James LeFebvre
SGT James LeFebvre
>1 y
One thing I've suggested for boards, have a good idea of which reg covers common things that may be asked, that way, if you forget the answer, at least you can respond with something.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
When you're in your primary zone for the board, you (and your command) don't have a choice, you must appear before the board at least once.
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SGM Steve Wettstein
If you are on the list to appear in front of the SSGs Board there is a reason. Your leaders more than likely think you are ready for it. Here are some pointers that'll help. Know the board procedures. When you knock on the door right before you appear, knock on it like you mean it. Know your BIO. Practice saying it in front of others. This will help you not say ah or um.Address all NCOs asking you questions by their correct rank (trust me Soldiers say the incorrect rank all the time and it doesn't help them) Look at whomever is asking you the question in the eye and don't interrupt them, even if you know the answer until they are finished. Get your ASUs cleaned and pressed (even you you haven't worn them since the last time). Put your awards and decorations on by using 670-1. Don't wear a clip on tie and make sure the tie you wear has the correct knot in it. BE CONFIDENT WHEN YOU TALK.

BTW, there are no fucking MOCK boards. They are pre-boards. Just a pet peeve. It always pissed me off when someone would try and call one of my boards a mock board.
CSM Carl Cunningham
CSM Carl Cunningham
>1 y
Ha ha, I love hearing different let peeves. Mock board is a new pet peeve for me. Mine is headgear, especially at gas stations, etc
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
CSM Carl Cunningham - Brother if it's got a roof, it's cover.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
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Gentlemen, Thank you for the input and tips!! I’ll definitely put them to use!

I guess my new PSG didn’t submit something that needed to be submitted, so I’ll be going for sure next month. Which means I’ll be studying my rear off.

I’ll shoot an update with how it goes.

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