Posted on Mar 10, 2015
CW2 Joseph Evans
Two days ago, Senator Tom Cotton drafted a letter to the leaders of Iran, claiming that any deal struck with President Obama had a shelf life of only two years.
Do you think this was appropriate under the current situation, both domestically as well as internationally? Was there a better way to handle this?
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Responses: 48
Sgt Jay Jones
Clear violation of the Logan Act.
Cpl Mortgage Banker
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Not even Logan was prosecuted under the Logan Act.
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SSG Stephen Arnold
Frankly, I am appalled at the number of people who swore to uphold the Constitution who clearly do not understand it, both in the military and in public office.

Article II, Section 2 (Clause 2) should be reviewed by all who are considering this question.

The senators may not have used good form, but they clearly DID NOT exceed their Constitutional authority.
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
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Then all executive agreements on global issues are invalid unless approved by the Senate? The letter was in poor taste, not illegal. It gave a little ammunition to the hardliners in Iran but might have pushed them harder to get an agreement at the table.
MAJ Contracting Officer
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The agreements are only binding until a new president decides they are not. A treaty is permanent but must be ratified by the senate.
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SSG(P) Instructor
Ill put my 2 cents in the jar..while many will see this as a form of mutiny, bordering on treason, I see it as solidarity, a small group of Senators have banded together as leaders letting the leaders of Iran know that while this current POTUS may be striking deals...they will be short lived. They can rival in the deal-making, short-term...this mirrors our policy on not bargaining with criminals, not paying ransom, nor making deals with terrorists...As I see it, Iran (and Syria) are the HQ of terrorist training camps. While we may never see eye-to-eye with their leaders -- I ask, it is fair that only 3rd world countries have Nukes? My American citizenship, my military ID, and my genuine love for country tells me we should do everything to keep any additional countries from getting their fingers on nukes...while nuclear energy is efficient, just look at what's happening in Japan, and what they are dealing with, which is quickly become the world's problem...we are not ready for Nuclear energy. I lost a great friend and doctor (to cancer) after he served 20 years in the Nuke field as a USN Officer. We are playing with Pandoras box...we have met the enemy, and it us. We are our own greatest enemies, I never understood that as a young man....boy is it making sense with age. I don't associate this letter with treason at all. Though, I have to ask myself, if Obama was a Republican and the 47 Senators were Democrats, how would I feel...I cannot say I would be feeling the same way.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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Well this administration has made it difficult for both sides to be effective and come together for any type of quality results....I see back handed politics being the norm for the last 6 years.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
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In regard to the dangers of nuclear waste. There are 50 million gallons of radioactive sludge at Hanford site costing us several billion dollars a year. The Russians just dumped their into a lake, if you go near the shore you have an hour to live. No way the Iranians can handle the pending environmental disaster. But maybe they can follow the Department of State's advice and provide ISIS with some short term jobs.
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
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SSG, Everything is not about Obama, and when you make it so it removes the actual debate. It would appear that the right wing is incapable of of saying anything without reference to the president.

Look at this issue, it has become about the president not about the Iran and trying to keep the number of atomic weapons to a relative minimum
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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I only mentioned him twice in my comment, to be fair, I said I would probably be bias if it were a Republican POTUS...I think that removes my comment as being noteworthy. I mentioned Nukes and how important it is to keep out of 3rd world countries hands, especially a country known for strong militant stance as well as their general ideology on the Western Hemisphere. I see no where that I strongly condemned the Pres. While I do acknowledge this administration has done very little to bridge the gap of partisanship. Both sides are about me,me,me. If you weren't addressing me, next time add my name so there are no misunderstanding, @SSG Justin Newport
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SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
As we are not at war with Iran it foes not rise to the level of a criminal offense.

As the republican house has found out over the past six years, just because you don't agree with something does not make it a crime. (Fast and Furious/Benghazi/Immigration)

The difference between treaties and executive agreements is pretty significant. However the central issue here is not our relationship with Iran but the relationship with Russia, China, UK, France and Germany. We are participating in a process with them and if we do not hold up our end it ill have long term repercussions.

The GOP has recently managed to out do the Far Far Left Progressives in attempting symbolic acts to appease their base. This is sorta like the students voting to remove the national colors from the student government building. Not the best way to get your point across.

However, the other option if we do not come to some kind of agreement is pretty serious for those of us with 'SM' after their name on this site. If we are unwilling to negotiate and unable to tolerate a nuclear Iran then we will have to take and hold the processing sites long enough to do enough damage that they are better abandoned than rebuilt.

This does not mean 75th Ranger holds the ground for eight hours, more like a multi-division plus massive air strike mission. Iran may be a second or third rate military but they are numerous, and have short supply lines.

My difficulty is that the GOP seems to have adopted an ideology that is against the president rather than found on independent principles. It makes it difficult to agree with them when I know that as soon as the president leaves office or changes his views so will they.
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Capt Whitney Davis
It would be a stretch to prosecute these Congress people under the Logan Act. They simply published an open letter addressed to a head of state laying out the limitations of an executive agreement between two heads of state.

That said, the letter was not a great idea. Firstly, their point (that a Republican president will simply cancel the agreement) is possible but very unlikely. It is rather difficult, politically and as a matter of foreign policy to simply back out of an international agreement. Should these negotiations bear fruit and lead to an agreement it will have been in place for nearly 2 years when the Republicans take office (assuming they win the next presidential election). Backing out on it would mean abandoning a deal that multiple parties have agreed to and will harm the perceived integrity of our country. President Obama is aware of this, and it is why he (I imagine) feels comfortably doing things this way. I'm sure he is just as aware of the limitations of executive agreements verse treaties as Sen Cotton is.

Additionally, it is important that, should this deal fall through, it not appear that the US scuttled negotiations. This is important because, if we cannot come to an agreement, we will want to maintain tight sanctions on Iran. The rest of the world is not necessarily behind that. If Iran backs out of the negotiations we will be in a strong position to return to full sanctions. If we back out of the negotiations we will not be, and sanctions will likely be lightened with no agreements from Iran to limit nuclear capabilities.
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SFC Walt Littleton
Our laws have checks and balances for a reason and that is each branch of government in check. If POTUS acts without Congress he has violated the law. Does that make it alright for them to write a letter? We can debate that for years and never get a straight answer.

Bottom line is POTUS should have brought the Plan to Congress for approval. POTUS is operating outside the Law and therefore has been illegally signing with his pen laws that have not even been brought forward for review before implementing them. That makes him a dictator and therefore treasonist.

With POTUS's FAILURES over the last years of his term he is desperate to push through his plan with Iran to get a WIN! Do you know what POTUS has in this plan? Is Itan going to get Nuclear capabilities? No one knows and there lies the problem.

So by sending the letter to inform Iran that the proposed plan the POTUS is laying out doesn't mean that it will be adhered to in the future.

Never allow a politician to operate without scrutiny. I don't care if it is Republican or Democrat or whatever.

Before you climb all over this, I voted for POTUS! I'm also very disappointed in his lack of Leadership, Patriotism and his Moral guidance.

Stop the Madness! Reach ACCROSS the isles and get the train back on track.
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SGT Instructor/Project Manager
Separate but equal branches. Traditionally it is up the executive branch to conduct diplomacy. On the other hand the executive branch traditionally works with congress to make laws not make them unilaterally.
SGT Tyler G.
SGT Tyler G.
>1 y
Technically the executive branch has never made laws. Executive action is only able to direct the bureaucracy within the confines of the law. This is one of the built in checks and balances in our government, the executive branch can choose how to enforce the law, or if necessary, not to.
SGT Instructor/Project Manager
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Tell that to Obama how many times has the courts corrected his actions.
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RE executive orders, how many did Reagan issue?
SGT Instructor/Project Manager
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381 and Roosevelt had 3,721 executive orders may not be a good indication of executive overreach. How much power has the EPA, IRS, CIA, NSA gained under the current administration how intrusive have they become. How many directives did Regan or Roosevelt have turned over by the courts?
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
The president is NOT a dictator and Congressional approval is not an option but mandated. All these wins he is compiling are in the face of Congress and Republicans are merely political grandstanding and arrogant as all get-out. Then media that is corrupt. Williams, Glass, etc.
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