Posted on Jan 30, 2014
SSgt Military Police Investigator
As a young senior airman, I am interested to know from all ranks and all sister services, what makes someone a good leader? Please explain your findings, I am testing for SSgt this coming spring/summer and I want to retain as much advice as I can. Your responses are much appreciated!
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Responses: 17

The ability to listen, understand, and communicate with others.
Having patienence is also a good key factor.

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CPT Aaron Kletzing
Character and integrity are so critical in a leader at any level. Personal courage to do the right thing all the time, no matter what. Leading my deed, not by word.
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SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SrA Gillie--STEPS FOR SUCCESS; here are the standards I gave to every person under my supervision and continue to use today. It was often published. Your thoughts?

Steps for Success
Sgt. Major/Captain Dan Coberly

Condensed from “Positive Public Affairs” c 1999-2014
“The Greatest Leader I Never Knew” American Traveller c 1991

• Honesty is non-negotiable. Character counts. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

• Be culturally aware. Seek first to understand. Effective leaders learn why people think and act as they do. Become a member of the crew, not the baggage train.

• Be situationally aware. Don’t confuse true leadership with a generic leadership role or title. The toughest view is the one nearest you, altered by people and events.

• Shape fate. Lead by taking and inculcating a culture of responsibility for actions and inactions. Inspire others to exceed minimum standards. Find out what needs to be done and do it. Mentor and grow experts via opportunities.

• Know thy people. Know thyself. Offer everyone a place at your table. Represent your people well and they will well represent you. Know and use the resources of your team matching skills to mission. Look in the mirror. Challenge your own assumptions. Pull others up, don’t push them down. Disagree without disrespect.

• Be an Innovator. People adapt best to what they know best. Find ways to work smarter, not harder. Caretaker majorities may rule; Innovators and Undertakers affect outcomes. Innovators are responsible for 99.9% of all positive change. Take risks without being a loose cannon.

• Constantly communicate. Share information, not just vision. Close the loop, vertically & horizontally. An action isn’t complete until you coordinate with anyone remotely affected by the action...or inaction. The outcome affects your image.

• Be objective. People are tribal, it’s in our DNA. Help tribes to form a nation. Act on facts, not opinions. Beware of agendas. Bury your bias or it will lead you to be unfair. Be firm but fair. Ensure justice, rewards. Effective leaders do not lack will, nor must they often impose will. Focus your kick-to pat ratio on pats so your kicks can be effective.

• Become trusted by trusting others. Mutual trust is the backbone of all good relationships. Trust creates full partners. Your position is a trust, on loan from others. Know when to lead, when to follow.

• Shun the perks. Real leaders unselfishly serve others. They do not expect to be served. Promotions are not for what you have done, but for what you are expected to do.

• Team Spirit trumps corporate politics.
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