Posted on Jan 30, 2014
SSG Platoon Sergeant
I have been trying to get my Duty position updated on my ERB for a couple of weeks now. My orderly room finally did it today so my question is...... How can I update my ERB to reflect the changes on short notice. I have to validate today.
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Responses: 4
1SG Johnny Carter
Edited 11 y ago
Your S1 is over all responsible to help you get your ERB updated. But as a Soldier we need to constantly look at our ERB's and validate it even have your 1SG or CSM look at it to help you ensure what right looks like and then WE as leaders ensure our Soldier's ERB's are straight so when it comes time for a NCO/Soldier of the Month/Promotion board they are set up for success. But any changes that need made to it has to go through your S1. Your ERB needs to be looked at monthly and as a recommendation, when you counsel your Soldiers monthly have theirs with the counseling to validate it as well. Good luck battle on your board!
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
11 y


That is one thing I think that should be incorporated into the Initial Reception and Integration counselings.  I spent some time running an orderly room for over 350 Soldiers, and I learned from my S1 what right looks right (for the most part) on the ERB, and thats always something I do with my NCOS

1SG Johnny Carter
1SG Johnny Carter
11 y
SSG, agreed and it should be looked at monthly as well to ensure the Soldier's records reflect any schools that they went to. Example I had my S1 pull AASLT school codes to see how many Soldiers I had AASLT qualified. The records they pulled showed ONLY 23 out of 227 qualified. So I had ever Soldier bring in the certs and found out I had actually 98. Sill not a good % by DIV standards but it showed that Soldiers/NCO's where not doing their jobs to ensure Soldiers had their records updated. So now instead of doing just the initial Counseling with ERB's its a monthly deal because lets be honest S1's have to track BN/BDE Soldiers and we as a Company owe it to them to help police up report so it reflects what the Soldier actually has and needs.
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Definitely agree with you 1SG.
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1SG Shane Hansen
I had the same problem a few years back. It was updated on my ERB but not in my board file ERB. All it took was a simple phone call to the promotions section at HRC and they updated my board file ERB to match.  Otherwise it might not ever update. Good luck on your board. 
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SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
My board file closes today so you need to be on top of your S1 to get it updated ASAP, and even then its not a sure shot as it takes up to 24 hours before the new ERB hits your board file.  Good luck.
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
I know what you mean, it took three different units to finally get my IPERMS updated.  Almost 60 pages of documents that were missing.  Good luck. 
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
I can just imagine
SSG Cannon Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
3 units to get iperms updated?  that sucks... there are phone numbers and email addresses with forms YOU/ WE can fill out and submit documents... I spent probably 4-5 days on and off getting mine done and just two days ago "they" put like 5-6 copies of my 1059's in my file. I called up there today and the guy just went in and cleaned up the mess...

SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Yea, sadly Ive submitted in the past, and strangely enough, the records never made it.  I was attached to another battalion for my last deployment, and they uploaded everything I needed.
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